甄峰, 余洋, 汪侠, 赵霖

The Spatial Agglomeration Characteristics of Automotive Service Industry: A Case Study of Nanjing
Feng ZHEN, Yang YU, Xia WANG, Lin ZHAO
表4 分圈层各类汽车服务业企业分布数量与比例
Table 4 The number and proportion of various automotive service businesses in different layers
4S店 汽车维修 汽车配件 汽车租赁 汽车俱乐部 合计
第一圈层 9(3.1%) 8(1.7%) 13(2.9%) 49(23.4%) 2(12.5%) 81(5.6%)
第二圈层 33(11.5%) 66(14.1%) 70(15.4%) 72(34.4%) 4(25.0%) 245(17.1%)
第三圈层 218(75.7%) 334(71.2%) 337(74.2%) 85(40.7%) 10(62.5%) 984(68.5%)
外围圈层 28(9.7%) 61(13.0%) 34(7.5%) 3(1.4%) - 126(8.8%)
合计 288(100%) 469(100%) 454(100%) 209(100%) 16(100%) 1436(100%)