于万辉, 王俊杰, 臧淑英

The Spatial Variability Characteristics and Potential Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals of Lake Sediments in the Songnen Plain
Wan-hui YU, Jun-jie WANG, Shu-ying ZANG
表2 单项及综合潜在生态风险指数与分级标准
Table 2 Individual and general indices and grades of potential ecological risk assessment
Eri 单项污染物生态
RI 综合潜在生态
Eri<40 RI<135
40≤Eri<80 135≤RI<265 中等
80≤Eri<160 较重 265≤RI<525
160≤Eri<320 525<RI 严重
320≤Eri 严重