刘占明, 陈子燊

Correlational Study Between the Precipitation in the First Rainy Season in Guangdong Beijiang River Basin and the Global SST and Teleconnections
Zhan-ming LIU, Zi-shen CHEN
表1 1965~2007年前汛期降水EOF前4模态对总方差贡献率(%)
Table 1 Percentage of contribution to whole variance of the first four models of EOF in the first rainy season of 1965-2007 (%)
月份 第一模态 第二模态 第三模态 第四模态
4月 64.30 11.61 7.28 3.00
5月 63.40 8.05 5.48 4.47
6月 67.53 9.37 4.82 3.71