Scientia Geographica Sinica  2016 , 36 (12): 1912-1919



单卫东1, 胡月明2, 贺灿飞3, 曹小曙4, 黄贤金5, 童昕3, 吴常艳5

1.国土资源部科技与国际合作公司,北京 100812
2.华南农业大学信息学院,广东 广州 510642
3. 北京大学城市与环境学院,北京100871
4.中山大学地理科学与规划学院,广东 广州 510275
5.南京大学地理与海洋科学学院,江苏 南京 210023

Exploring Physical Process and Methods of Big Data Era for Land Use Planning

Shan Weidong1, Hu Yueming2, He Canfei3, Cao Xiaoshu4, Huang Xianjin5, Tong Xin3, Wu Changyan5

1.Department of Science, Technology and International Cooperation, Ministry of Land and Resources,Beijing 100812, China
2. School of Information, South China Agriculture University, Guangzhou 510642, Guangdong, China
3. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences,Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
4. School of Geography and Planning,SunYat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275,Guangdong, China
5. School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China

中图分类号:  K901

文献标识码:  A

文章编号:  1000-0690(2016)12-1912-08

通讯作者:  通讯作者:黄贤金,教授。

收稿日期: 2015-07-11

修回日期:  2016-08-25

网络出版日期:  2016-12-20

版权声明:  2016 《地理科学》编辑部 本文是开放获取期刊文献,在以下情况下可以自由使用:学术研究、学术交流、科研教学等,但不允许用于商业目的.

基金资助:  国家科技支撑项目(2013BAJB00)资助






关键词: 土地生态规划 ; 云服务 ; 大数据 ; 地球化学循环


With the further process of urbanization and industrialization, the structure of industrial space has been restructuring, which leads to a sharp contradictions between demand and supply of land resources. Because of this serious disorder development of land resources, it is a primary task of ecological civilization to optimize the spatial pattern of land resources.Meanwhile, a higher requirement of land use planning is needed to allocate scientifically and reasonably land resources. Therefore, the traditional methods of land use planning need to be reformed. In this paper, in order to achieve the purpose of coordination development based on the strategy of ‘Community life of mountain-water-forest-cropland-lake’, we follow the concept of respecting and conforming to nature, and summarize the impact of land-based physical process on land use planning. Moreover, with the advent of the era of ‘big data’, we find that many technical methods, such as cloud computing, spatial data integration, cloud analysis, provide a new technical support to land use planning.Finally, considering the special characteristic of land use planning data and mobile user terminal is needed, we suggest that cloud services platform should be created, which enables integrated management and updating data of land planning, thereby, it will improve the quality of land use planning.

Keywords: land ecological planning ; cloud services ; big data ; geochemical cycle


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单卫东, 胡月明, 贺灿飞, 曹小曙, 黄贤金, 童昕, 吴常艳. 土地规划的自然过程基础与大数据时代的方法探索[J]. , 2016, 36(12): 1912-1919

Shan Weidong, Hu Yueming, He Canfei, Cao Xiaoshu, Huang Xianjin, Tong Xin, Wu Changyan. Exploring Physical Process and Methods of Big Data Era for Land Use Planning[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016, 36(12): 1912-1919


1 土地规划的自然过程基础


1.1 生物地球化学过程对土地规划的影响

地球系统的各个圈层之间是通过物理、化学和生物过程相互联系在一起,而陆地表面是大气、土壤和生物圈之间相互作用最为活跃的界面[5]。随着人类活动参与自然地球化学过程的程度越来越高,加速了地球化学循环过程。土地规划过程是直接参与地球化学循环的主要人类活动之一,对生物地球化学循环产生重要影响。生物地球化学过程对土地规划的作用主要表现为(图1):气候变化与土地覆被变化的影响。地球化学过程是推动地球物质运动的主要形式之一,促进化学元素的迁移、转化、富集和再生。当前温室气体剧增影响气候变化,碳循环过程成为生物地球化学循环的关键点。土地不仅是陆地生态系统碳汇的自然载体,更是人类经济社会产生碳排放的空间载体[6],土地利用规划带来的土地用地类型的改变,土地覆被的变化均对地球化学过程的碳、氮等微量元素的循环过程产生影响。因此,在土地规划过程中除了考虑影响土地资源利用的社会经济因素以外,更要重视土地的地球化学循环过程[7]; 土壤圈土壤生物属性及其物质循环的影响。从土壤圈角度看,土地的地球化学过程主要体现在土地质量上,包括土壤肥沃程度、土壤健康状况、土壤微生物含量等,土地质量的高低主要影响土地规划的功能划分。不同的土地规划对后备土地资源质量要求不同,土地规划过程应以土地质量自然属性为基准,因地制宜制定土地规划方案。如中国基本农田对土地质量要求较高,在土地规划过程就应重视土壤的肥沃程度。有学者认为对土地进行地球化学评估,根据土地地质背景、耕层厚度、坡度、坡向等土地质量的物理属性,对土地规划中初步划定的分级进行检验,可以提高土地规划的科学性,实现合理的土地利用分区[8]。这对当前出现的因经济发展,土地过度开发造成的土地质量下降,水土流失、荒漠化、盐碱化严重等问题提出有效预防措施;陆地生态系统物质、能量循环对土地规划的影响。生物地球化学循环过程在景观形成和发展中起着主导作用,森林、草地、湿地、农地等陆地生态系统的特殊景观蕴含着复杂的生物地球化学过程,要求土地利用协调用地类型与物质循环之间的关系。同时,土地规划对陆地生态系统从自然干预、规划约束、经营管理等方面参与生物地球化学过程。大量研究结果认为土地利用结构变化降低了土地生物多样性[9,10],发展中国家主要是由于农业用地的扩张[11],发达国家由于城镇化水平较高,建设用地扩张使得生物多样性减少[12],这势必将影响土地的可持续利用。正确识别土地规划的自然影响因子是土地规划方案成功的关键。

图1   生物地球化学过程与土地规划相互作用机制

Fig.1   The mechanism of interaction between biogeochemical process and land planning

1.2 生态景观格局对土地规划的影响


图2   生态景观格局与土地规划的作用及反馈机制

Fig.2   The mechanism of interaction and feedback between ecological landscape pattern and land use planning

1.3 人地关系对土地规划的影响


图3   土地供求与土地利用规划关系

Fig.3   The relationship between land supply and demandand land use planning

2 土地规划控制方法分析


2.1 基于土地自然过程基础的方法控制


2.2 土地生态规划控制方法

景观生态规划研究自20世纪50年代以来,产生较大影响力的有E.P.Odum分室模型[27],将土地规划过程的不同生态系统分为不同标准的分室,从微观尺度的群落到宏观尺度的生态系统进行经济效益、生态效益分析、而德国Differentiated Land-use System模型是基于分室模型发展而来,从土地规划的时间空间维度分割环境影响;Forman提出[28]的集中分散规划模型、捷克斯洛伐克[29]LandEP分析框架等等,这些方法都是以最优生态利用为目的。景观生态规划在最初的土地规划中主要表现为农业土地的重新分配,主要目的在于提高土地的自然生产力,但是随着人类对环境保护意识的增强,充分考虑人与环境协调发展的前提下实施土地生态规划。随着3S技术的发展,基于GIS技术的多目标优化方法[30]、GIS二次开发技术[31]、ABM技术[32]广泛运用到土地生态规划中,为实现多目标多层次土地生态规划提供技术支撑。

2.3 人地多元系统协同控制方法

土地规划过程的控制变量具有随机性和不确定性,尤其是涉及到人地系统、主体权益较为复杂,实现“山水路林田生命共同体”为目标的人地关系和谐发展规划具有挑战性。传统的计量模型、系统动力学模型、元胞自动机模型对复杂系统进行模拟,但是在土地规划系统中人的主观决策性表现突出,此类模型不能很好的模拟地理环境中的动态情景。因此,人地多元系统协调发展的控制方法一方面是多自主体系统[33](MAS),它是复杂适应系统理论、人工生命以及分布式人工智能技术的融合,是可以分析人类与环境交互的多智能体模型;另一方面是情景分析方法, Hawkins等[34]以英国土地规划为例将情景分析分别从景观格局稳定性、生物多样性、生态园林道路三方面分析,Tress等[35]利用情景分析、利益相关者等方面分析丹麦的土地规划,将不同情景进行可视化表达为决策者做出合理规划、保护环境具有重要参考价值。也有学者将公众参与与GIS技术结合开发softGIS[36],为土地规划过程获取更多背景内容。但是,无论是多智能体技术还是情景模拟技术都需要将土地规划全过程的影响因素集成考虑。

3 大数据时代土地规划方法与应用探索

土地规划涉及到自然、经济、社会等多方面因素,因此,传统的海量数据难以支撑土地规划方法。而人、机、物三元世界的高度融合引发了数据规模的爆炸式增长和数据模式的高度复杂化,世界已进入网络化的大数据(Big Data)时代[37]。在此背景下,各行各业对数据的依赖性有增无减,甚至以数据为基础的定量分析方法也有逐步取代耗时耗力的以专家为基础的定性分析方法的趋势[38]。对此,为应对“大数据”环境下的土地复杂数据特征与资源环境,需要转变土地规划决策驱动根源,由传统的“目标驱动决策”向“数据驱动决策”转化。

3.1 基于云计算的土地规划服务平台技术探索

云计算(Cloud Computing)是利用分布式处理技术、并行处理技术和网络计算技术形成的一种基于互联网的新型计算技术。一个云计算的平台能够按需进行动态地部署(provision)、配置(configuration)、重新配置(reconfigure)以及取消服务(deprovision)等[39]。在云计算环境下研究土地信息数据管理综合服务平台对构建国土信息化来说是一项充满挑战性和创新性的工作。多年来,土地管理部门积累了海量的甚至是超海量的土地资源管理数据,如何进行高效处理以便能更科学地制定土地规划方案是新形势下土地管理部门亟需解决的问题。“大数据”背景下,云计算技术为解决超海量信息的土地资源管理问题提供了一条更科学的途径,为实现土地资源信息的全面共享和社会化服务指明了方向[40],为构建土地规划智能服务决策支持提供了更高效、更低成本和更人性化的新技术支持。土地规划既要获取土地自然要素信息供决策分析,又要通过方案实施获得规划效果以修正土地利用行为。在此过程中,基于云技术手段搭建起新的数据访问和信息共享架构,不仅能够有效地解决“信息孤岛”和“数字鸿沟”等问题,而且能够实现海量数据高效管理、深度分析挖掘、长久保存、智能辅助决策的功能,从而推动土地规划向社会化信息服务、公众参与和综合调控方向发展。因此,大数据时代云计算和土地资源信息管理与服务相结合,是应对土地信息发展机遇和挑战的必然要求,也是未来土地规划方法革新的主要方向。

3.2 基于云服务平台的生态规划集成技术探索


3.3 基于云服务的土地规划编制与管理技术探索


4 结论





The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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论述了土地规划及土地评价的内 容、方法,着重阐述了土地评价中土地质量地球化学评估的定义、原则、任务、工作程序和技术方法.通过实例说明了土地质量地球化学评估在土地质量评价、农业 用地分等定级中的应用.认为土地质量地球化学评估为土地质量评价和土地规划与管理提供了重要的依据.

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根据野外调查数据,采用层次分 析法和专家调查法,构建了土地利用对生物多样性影响的评价指标体系。利用该指标体系综合评估了白龟山水库湖滨带土地利用对生物多样性的影响。结果表明,白 龟山水库湖滨带各种类型的土地利用已经严重影响了区域内生物多样性,其中建设用地对生物多样性影响最为强烈。

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Effects of the land use on the biodiversity in the lakeside zone of the Baiguishan reservoir of Henan province

. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Science, 2010, 38(4): 1962-1964, 1978.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

根据野外调查数据,采用层次分 析法和专家调查法,构建了土地利用对生物多样性影响的评价指标体系。利用该指标体系综合评估了白龟山水库湖滨带土地利用对生物多样性的影响。结果表明,白 龟山水库湖滨带各种类型的土地利用已经严重影响了区域内生物多样性,其中建设用地对生物多样性影响最为强烈。
[11] Phalan B, Bertzky M, Butchart S et al.

Crop expansion and conservation priorities in tropical countries

[J]. PLOS One, 2013, 8(1): 1-13.

[本文引用: 1]     

[12] Adinebekessya S, Whiteb M.

Transparent planning for biodiversity anddevelopment in the urban fringe

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2012, 108(2/4): 140-149.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In Australia, over 50% of threatened species occur within the urban fringe and accelerating urbanization is now a key threat. Biodiversity near and within urban areas brings much social benefit but its maintenance involves complex trade-offs between competing land uses. Urban design typically views biodiversity as a development constraint, not a value to be enhanced into the future. We argue that decisions could be more transparent and systematic and we demonstrate that efficient development solutions can be found that avoid areas important for biodiversity. We present a case study in the context of land use change across the city of Wyndham, a local Government west of Melbourne, Australia. We use reserve design tools in a novel way to identify priority development sites, based on a synthesis of ecological, social and economic data. Trade-offs between biodiversity conservation and other key development objectives and constraints (transport planning, flood risk and food production) are quantified. The analysis can be conducted dynamically with visually compelling output, facilitating more transparent, efficient and democratically derived urban planning solutions. We suggest that government agencies could adopt similar approaches to identify efficient planning solutions for both biodiversity and development in urban environments.
[13] 蔡玉梅, 郑伟元, 张晓玲, .


[J]. 地理科学进展, 2003, 22(6): 567-575.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Cai Yumei, Zheng Weiyuan,

Zhang Xiaoling et al. Preliminary research on environment impact assessment of land use planning

. Progress in Geography, 2003, 22(6): 567-575.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[14] 安红岩, 张正肖.


[J]. 中国人口﹒资源与境, 2011, 21(3): 462-465.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

生态系统服务价值的变化决定着区域的可持续发展,其评估已成为生态学研究的热点之一,其研究结果对维持地区生态平衡、合理利用土地资源、建立可持续的土地利用模式等具有重要意义。本文在综合已有研究的基础上,通过估算万源市太平镇不同海拔高度土地生态服务价值量,探讨经济发展与生态服务价值变化的关系。结果表明,城市规划区的自然生态系统服务功能的价值是不可忽视的,自然生态系统无论是从物质上还是经济上,都为万源市太平镇的国民经济和社会可持续发展提供者重要支撑。从生态系统服务功能角度,海拔750 m高程是太平镇城市用地扩张的控制线。

[An Hongyan, Zhang Zhengxiao.

Application of ecological service value evaluation in the land use planning of mountain city:A case study of Taiping town in Wanyuan city

. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2011, 21(3): 462-465.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

生态系统服务价值的变化决定着区域的可持续发展,其评估已成为生态学研究的热点之一,其研究结果对维持地区生态平衡、合理利用土地资源、建立可持续的土地利用模式等具有重要意义。本文在综合已有研究的基础上,通过估算万源市太平镇不同海拔高度土地生态服务价值量,探讨经济发展与生态服务价值变化的关系。结果表明,城市规划区的自然生态系统服务功能的价值是不可忽视的,自然生态系统无论是从物质上还是经济上,都为万源市太平镇的国民经济和社会可持续发展提供者重要支撑。从生态系统服务功能角度,海拔750 m高程是太平镇城市用地扩张的控制线。
[15] 吴克宁, 赵珂, 赵举水, .


[J]. 中国土地科学, 2008, 22(2): 23-28.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wu Kening, Zhao Ke, Zhao Jushui et al.

The environmental impact assessment of land use planning based on the theory of ecosystem services value: Taking Anyang as an example

. China Land Science, 2008, 22(2): 23-28.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[16] 王佳丽, 黄贤金, 陆汝成, .


[J]. 自然资源学报, 2010, 25(4): 556-562.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

文章在评述生态系统服务对全球变化的脆弱性研究概况的基础上,认为在生态系统服务退化和不可持续的状态下,改变土地利用变化对降低生态系统服务脆弱性具有重要意义。论文引入了生态系统服务对土地利用变化脆弱性评估方法,分析了生态系统服务对土地利用类型转变、土地利用类型渐变、土地管理方式变化的脆弱性响应机理,以江苏省环太湖地区碳储量为例进行实证研究。结果表明:①在1980—1990年、1990—2000年、2000—2005年3个时间段,农田、林地的显著减少和建设用地的急剧增加致使生态系统碳储量对土地利用强度变化表现得愈加脆弱,土地利用强度指数每增加一个单位,碳储量分别减少0.90 Tg、1.68 Tg、1.69 Tg;②2005—2015年间,通过对农田、林地、建设用地的规划控制,可以降低生态系统碳储量的脆弱性,土地利用强度指数每增加一个单位,碳储量分别由规划控制前减少0.50 Tg变为增加0.62Tg。据此得出结论,合理调整土地利用结构、加强规划管理可以降低生态系统碳储量对土地利用变化的脆弱性。最后,针对研究中存在的一些不足之处,提出了进一步研究的建议。

[Wang Jiali, Huang Xianjin, Lu Rucheng et al.

Assessment on the vulnerability of ecosystem services to land use change-A case study of carbon stock of Taihu Lake District in Jiangsu province

. Journal of Natural Resources, 2010, 25(4): 556-562.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

文章在评述生态系统服务对全球变化的脆弱性研究概况的基础上,认为在生态系统服务退化和不可持续的状态下,改变土地利用变化对降低生态系统服务脆弱性具有重要意义。论文引入了生态系统服务对土地利用变化脆弱性评估方法,分析了生态系统服务对土地利用类型转变、土地利用类型渐变、土地管理方式变化的脆弱性响应机理,以江苏省环太湖地区碳储量为例进行实证研究。结果表明:①在1980—1990年、1990—2000年、2000—2005年3个时间段,农田、林地的显著减少和建设用地的急剧增加致使生态系统碳储量对土地利用强度变化表现得愈加脆弱,土地利用强度指数每增加一个单位,碳储量分别减少0.90 Tg、1.68 Tg、1.69 Tg;②2005—2015年间,通过对农田、林地、建设用地的规划控制,可以降低生态系统碳储量的脆弱性,土地利用强度指数每增加一个单位,碳储量分别由规划控制前减少0.50 Tg变为增加0.62Tg。据此得出结论,合理调整土地利用结构、加强规划管理可以降低生态系统碳储量对土地利用变化的脆弱性。最后,针对研究中存在的一些不足之处,提出了进一步研究的建议。
[17] 张惠远, 饶胜, 迟妍妍, .


[J]. 地球科学进展, 2006, 21(10): 1025-1032.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhang Huiyuan, Rao Sheng, Chi Yanyan et al.

Advances in the impacts of urban landscape pattern on urban air environment

. Advances in Earth Science, 2006, 21(10): 1025-1032.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[18] 郑度.


[J]. 地理研究, 2002, 21(1): 9-13.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

人地关系包括人对自然的依赖性和人的能动地位 ,人与自然关系的内涵随着人类社会的发展而发生变化。人地关系研究是近代地理学发展的基础 ,地理学中流行的环境决定论、可能论、文化景观学和人类生态学等都是聚焦于人地关系研究的不同学派。地球系统科学领域的研究重心是揭示人与自然的相互作用及所应采取的对策。信息时代人地关系的特征与工业时代有较大差别。人与自然的作用方式和强度将有显著不同 ,人类将全面系统地深化对自然的认识 ,人类活动空间将发生巨大变化 ,时空观念正在发生转变。知识与科技的作用 ,正成为社会经济发展的主要驱动力。由于地球的整体性和地球各圈层的相互作用 ,许多全球环境问题成为世界各国和社会公众关切的热点。人地关系研究的重要前沿领域包括 :全球环境变化及其区域响应 ,区域可持续发展及人地关系机理调控 ,社会生态与环境伦理研究与体系构建

[Zheng Du.

Prospects of studies on man-land relationship in the 21st century

. Geographical Research, 2002, 21(1): 9-13.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

人地关系包括人对自然的依赖性和人的能动地位 ,人与自然关系的内涵随着人类社会的发展而发生变化。人地关系研究是近代地理学发展的基础 ,地理学中流行的环境决定论、可能论、文化景观学和人类生态学等都是聚焦于人地关系研究的不同学派。地球系统科学领域的研究重心是揭示人与自然的相互作用及所应采取的对策。信息时代人地关系的特征与工业时代有较大差别。人与自然的作用方式和强度将有显著不同 ,人类将全面系统地深化对自然的认识 ,人类活动空间将发生巨大变化 ,时空观念正在发生转变。知识与科技的作用 ,正成为社会经济发展的主要驱动力。由于地球的整体性和地球各圈层的相互作用 ,许多全球环境问题成为世界各国和社会公众关切的热点。人地关系研究的重要前沿领域包括 :全球环境变化及其区域响应 ,区域可持续发展及人地关系机理调控 ,社会生态与环境伦理研究与体系构建
[19] 王爱民, 刘加林, 缪磊磊.


[J]. 地域研究与开发, 2002, 21(1): 9-12, 17.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wang Aimin, Liu Jialin, Miao Leilei.

Prospect of man-earth relationship in land-use

. Areal Research and Development, 2002, 21(1): 9-12, 17.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[20] 王爱民, 刘加林. 繆磊磊,.


[J]. 经济地理, 1999, 19(1): 62-66.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wang Aimin, Liu Jialin Miao Leilei et al.

Analysis on the characteristic index of land-use in man-earth relationship-Taking Lanzhou as a case

. Economic Geography, 1999, 19(1): 62-66.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[21] 樊杰, 许豫东, 邵阳.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 2003, 22(1): 1-10.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Fan Jie, Xu Yudong, Shao Yang.

The human geography view of land use study and new proposition

. Progress in Geography, 2003, 22(1): 1-10.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[22] Cornell B, Braach-Maksvytis V, King L, et al.

A biosensor that uses ion-channel switches

[J]. Nature, 1997, 387(6633): 580-583.

[本文引用: 1]     

[23] Willets K A, Van Duyne R P.

Localized surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy and sensing

[J]. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 2007, 58: 267-297.      URL      PMID: 17067281      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) spectroscopy of metallic nanoparticles is a powerful technique for chemical and biological sensing experiments. Moreover, the LSPR is responsible for the electromagnetic-field enhancement that leads to surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and other surface-enhanced spectroscopic processes. This review describes recent fundamental spectroscopic studies that reveal key relationships governing the LSPR spectral location and its sensitivity to the local environment, including nanoparticle shape and size. We also describe studies on the distance dependence of the enhanced electromagnetic field and the relationship between the plasmon resonance and the Raman excitation energy. Lastly, we introduce a new form of LSPR spectroscopy, involving the coupling between nanoparticle plasmon resonances and adsorbate molecular resonances. The results from these fundamental studies guide the design of new sensing experiments, illustrated through applications in which researchers use both LSPR wavelength-shift sensing and SERS to detect molecules of chemical and biological relevance.
[24] Park T, Shuler M.

Integration of cell culture and microfabrication technology

[J]. Biotechnology Progress, 2003, 19(2): 243-253.      URL      PMID: 12675556      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Recent progress in cell culture and microfabrication technologies has contributed to the development of cell-based biosensors for the functional characterization and detection of drugs, pathogens, toxicants, and odorants. The cell-based biosensors are composed of two transducers, where the primary transducer is cellular and the secondary transducer is typically electrical. Advances in gene manipulation and cell culture techniques have contributed to the development of the cell as a transducer, while microfabrication techniques have been applied to the development of integrating the cell with the second transducer. Cellular patterning using microfabrication techniques is essential for cell-based biosensors, cell culture analogues, tissue engineering, and fundamental studies of cell biology. The photolithographic technique is highly developed and has been widely used for patterning cells. Recently, a set of alternative techniques, largely based on soft lithoghraphy, has been developed for biological applications. Those techniques include microcontact printing, microfluidic patterning using microchannels, and laminar flow patterning. A classical metallic stencil patterning method has been improved by employing a rubber-like stencil. These cellular micropatterning techniques have been usefully employed to understand questions in fundamental cell biology, especially cellular interactions with various materials and other cells. Using these micropatterning tecchniques and insights into the interaction of cellular biology with surfaces, a wide array of biosensors have been developed. In this manuscript examples of cell-based biosensors are described. Neurons have a great potential for use in a cell-based biosensor because they are electrically excitable cells, from which electrical signals are generated with the binding of detecting molecules. Conse- quently, the electrical signals generated in the cell can be determined in a noninvasive manner. A microphysiometer is a device to detect functional responses from cells by measuring the change of extracellular pH. The main application of the microphysiometer is the analysis of functional responses of cells upon receptor stimulation. Development of a microscale cell culture analogue system, an in vitro animal or human surrogate, is another promising area using cell culture and microfabrication technologies. Such devices are potentially very useful in the fields of toxicology and drug testing because they may increase the accuracy of in vitro predictions, simplify testing procedures, and reduce the cost of such tests, allowing many more tests to be done with a limited set of resources.
[25] Heitzer A, Malachowsky K, Thonnard J E et al.

Optical biosensor for environment online monitoring of naphthalene and salicylate bioavability with an immobilized bioluminescent catabolic reporter bacterium

[J]. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1994, 60(5): 1487-1494.      URL      PMID: 201507      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract An optical whole-cell biosensor based on a genetically engineered bioluminescent catabolic reporter bacterium was developed for continuous on-line monitoring of naphthalene and salicylate bioavailability and microbial catabolic activity potential in waste streams. The bioluminescent reporter bacterium, Pseudomonas fluorescens HK44, carries a transcriptional nahG-luxCDABE fusion for naphthalene and salicylate catabolism. Exposure to either compound resulted in inducible bioluminescence. The reporter culture was immobilized onto the surface of an optical light guide by using strontium alginate. This biosensor probe was then inserted into a measurement cell which simultaneously received the waste stream solution and a maintenance medium. Exposure under defined conditions to both naphthalene and salicylate resulted in a rapid increase in bioluminescence. The magnitude of the response and the response time were concentration dependent. Good reproducibility of the response was observed during repetitive perturbations with either naphthalene or salicylate. Exposure to other compounds, such as glucose and complex nutrient medium or toluene, resulted in either minor bioluminescence increases after significantly longer response times compared with naphthalene or no response, respectively. The environmental utility of the biosensor was tested by using real pollutant mixtures. A specific bioluminescence response was obtained after exposure to either an aqueous solution saturated with JP-4 jet fuel or an aqueous leachate from a manufactured-gas plant soil, since naphthalene was present in both pollutant mixtures.
[26] 马其芳, 黄贤金, 于术桐, .


[J]. 自然资源学报, 2007, 22(1): 141-152.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Ma Qifang, Huang Xianjin, Yu Shutong et al.

Review on the research of metabolism

. Journal of Natural Resources, 2007, 22(1): 141-152.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[27] 贾宝全, 杨洁泉.


[J]. 干旱区研究, 2000, 17(2): 70-77.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

景观规划是景观生态学研究中一个重要的应用研究领域。本文通过国内外景观生态规划方面研究文献的概括与分析 ,分别就其概念内涵、研究内容、景观生态规划与设计的基本原则、主要景观生态规划模型进行了论述 ,进而对景观生态规划在我国的研究现状进行了评述 ,并在有关问题上提出了自己的看法。

[Jia Baoquan, Yang Jiequan.

A review of landscape planning

. Arid Zone Research, 2000, 17(2): 70-77.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

景观规划是景观生态学研究中一个重要的应用研究领域。本文通过国内外景观生态规划方面研究文献的概括与分析 ,分别就其概念内涵、研究内容、景观生态规划与设计的基本原则、主要景观生态规划模型进行了论述 ,进而对景观生态规划在我国的研究现状进行了评述 ,并在有关问题上提出了自己的看法。
[28] Forman R T.Land mosaics:The ecology of landscape and regions[M] . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995 .

[本文引用: 1]     

[29] Ruzicka M.

Assumption for landscape ecology development in Slovakia

[J]. Ekologia-Aratislava, 2004, 23(1): 291-294.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract The beginning of landscape ecology in Slovakia was connected with solving the practical problems to harmonize the human social and economical activities with the ecological attributes and assumptions of landscape. Formulating the landscape ecological conception, the Slovak scientists relay strongly on the ecological basis of integrated landscape research. Methodology of Landscape Ecological Planning - LANDEP - has been developed for the ecological optimal landscape use. The recent development of landscape ecology in Slovakia has been in the state of abandonment from the integral analysis and followed synthesis of landscape-ecological attributes to landscape-ecological typology and regionalization. The multifaceted landscape-ecological view supported by serious research of the landscape-ecological conditions and dynamics is losed. The system of one-to-three-year grants, without sufficient financial guarantees, does not give any possibilities and perspective for long-term and perspective, directed research.
[30] Ralf G, Burghard C M.

Multi-criteria optimization of landscape using GIS-based functional assessments

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 1998, 43(1/3): 21-34.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT This paper introduces a new way of using GIS to support decision making in the planning process and to develop regional guidelines. The method of `multicriteria optimization' helps new methodological standards to be established for integrating the various results of functional landscape ecology assessments of the type usually carried out in ecological planning, and enables the overall comparison of competing aims. This technique allows different aims in a geographical region to be quantified and takes into account different weightings of scenarios. Different functional assessments (soil erosion hazards caused by water flow, groundwater regeneration, water discharge regulation) and an assessment of the agricultural production function were carried out using GIS for a test site measuring 48 km2 in a glacial end moraine area to the north of Leipzig (Saxony, Germany). The results were presented in the form of ordinal assessment classes which express tendencies. On the basis of these assessment results, aims for the calculation of an optimal land-use pattern were defined and weighted in different scenarios. Multicriteria optimization calculates optimal compromises with regard to these aims which can be measured and compared with goal function values. Although the method cannot replace decision making by the planner, which is often difficult and can generally not be quantitatively verified, it can help to make the planning process more objective.
[31] Wang Xinhao, Sheng Yu, Huang Gh.

Land allocation based on integrated GIS-optimization modeling at a watershed level

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2004, 66(2): 61-74.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Results of a watershed optimization model that specifies the future amount of land for each land use type at a sub-area level are incorporated into a GIS-based spatial allocation model to provide specific location recommendations based on existing land use, slope, distance to surface water and conversion preference. Thus, more detailed interpretation and implementation of optimal development scenarios can be obtained. This integrated approach was applied in Lake Erhai basin, China. This prototype land allocation system combines the strength of optimization modeling and GIS. A decision maker knows where and what type of land use changes should be made to achieve an environmental and economic sustainable future. That is, the modeling results provide support for answering questions of “what should I do?” and “how do I do it?” in land use planning and decision-making.
[32] Valbuena D, Verburg P H, Bregt A K et al.

An agent-based approach to model land-use change at a regional scale

[J]. Landscape Ecology, 2010, 25(2): 185-199.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Land-use/cover change (LUCC) is a complex process that includes actors and factors at different social and spatial levels. A common approach to analyse and simulate LUCC as the result of individual decisions is agent-based modelling (ABM). However, ABM is often applied to simulate processes at local scales, while its application in regional studies is limited. This paper describes first a conceptual framework for ABM to analyse and explore regional LUCC processes. Second, the conceptual framework is represented by combining different concepts including agent typologies, farm trajectories and probabilistic decision-making processes. Finally, the framework is illustrated through a case study in the Netherlands, where processes of farm cessation, farm expansion and farm diversification are shaping the structure of the landscape. The framework is a generic, straightforward approach to analyse and explore regional LUCC with an explicit link to empirical approaches for parameterization of ABM.
[33] Liu Xiaoping, Li Xia, Anthony G O.

Multi-agent systems for simulating spatial decision behaviors and land-use dynamics

[J]. Science in China Series D-earth Sciences, 2006, 49(11): 1184-1194.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A new method to simulate urban land-use dynamics is proposed based on multi-agent systems (MAS). The model consists of a series of environmental layers and multi-agent layers, which can interact with each other. It attempts to explore the interactions between different players or agents,such as residents, property developers, and governments, and between these players and the environment. These interactions can give rise to urban macro-spatial patterns. This model is used to simulate the land-use dynamics of the Haizhu district of Guangzhou City in 1995-2004. Cellular automata (CA) were also used for the simulation of land use changes as a comparison. The study indicates that MAS has better performance for simulating complex cities than CA.
[34] Hawkins V, Selman P.

Landscape scale planning: exploring alternative land use scenarios

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2002, 60(4): 211-224.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Concerns regarding loss of species diversity in the wider countryside have focused attention on the inadequacies of conservation programmes based on site protection alone. Consequently, spatial land use strategies increasingly recognise the need to reinforce landscape features which support biodiversity and visual distinctiveness. Landscape ecology offers a basis for plan production for the wider countryside, though its gradual emergence as a scientific body of knowledge in different places to respond to different pressures has resulted in variations of interpretation and reservations about scientific coherence. This study takes three approaches to landscape ecological planning and applies them to a case study area in Nottinghamshire, UK, to assess their transferability to local conditions. The experimental plans are then subjected to scrutiny by panels of ecologists and planners. Whilst the landscape ecological approach to land use planning raises some problems of implementation, theoretical defensibility and biocentricity, it is generally welcomed as an inter-disciplinary means of responding to issues of rural dynamics.
[35] Tress B, Tress G.

Scenario visualization forparticipatorylandscapeplanning-Astudy from Denmark

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2003, 64(3): 161-178.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Increasingly, different functions must be integrated simultaneously in the Danish countryside, demanding a common effort of planners, decision-makers, researchers, and stakeholders. The study proposes a transdisciplinary method that combines scenario technique, photorealistic visualisation, and stakeholder participation to identify the interests of stakeholders in the future countryside. Photorealistic visualised landscape scenarios were used to discuss future options for a rural area in southern Denmark in a meeting with stakeholders and representatives from planning and administration. By focusing on one out of four monofunctional land uses鈥攊ndustrial farming, recreation and tourism, nature conservation, and residential expansion鈥攆uture extreme scenarios were created. Scenario visualisation by photorealistic design techniques proved to be a helpful tool for researchers in communicating the proposed landscape changes to stakeholders. Interests of stakeholders were quite varied, with strong support for measures to improve environmental quality. Stakeholders lacked trust in planning authorities and were not used to reflect about the future of their home areas. Landscape researchers can contribute to rural planning by improving communication among planners, decision-makers, and stakeholders.
[36] Marketta Kytta, Broberg A, Tuija Tzoulas et al.

Towards contextually sensitive urban densification:Location-based softGIS knowledge revealing perceived residential environmental quality

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2013, 113: 30-46.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Urban consolidation projects aiming to support a more sustainable urban form are among the most controversial issues in urban planning. Although planning professionals have reached a rather consistent consensus on the structural characteristics of sustainable urban form, i.e. urban consolidation or densification policy, these goals are often not shared by inhabitants. The resistance by local residents towards densification is based on the fear of losing the environmental qualities that they appreciate without getting added value. We argue that a planning strategy that is sensitive to the local context and respects the inhabitants’ place experiences can help in finding unique solutions and in restraining conflicts. To realize the context sensitive strategy, new kind of location-based information from residents is needed: experiential knowledge that is tightly anchored to specific places. In this study, 3119 respondents from the Helsinki metropolitan area participated in a Web-based survey that helped define the quality factors meaningful to inhabitants. The softGIS method used is an example of public participation GIS that allows the study of inhabitants’ location-based experiences. The over 10,000 place experiences gathered were analysed in relation to the home locations of respondents and to the number of urban structural characteristics, including urban density, green structure proportion, and land-use patterns. The findings revealed that although green structure was experientially very valuable, densely built areas were also meaningful for inhabitants, especially in regard to social quality. We conclude that the ‘soft’, experiential information can be a welcome addition to the other layers of information in evidence-based planning.
[37] 李国杰, 程学旗.


[J]. 中国科学院院刊, 2012, 27(6): 647-657.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Li Guojie, Cheng Xueqi.

Research status and scientific thinking of big data

. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2012, 27(6): 647-657.]      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[38] 朱东华, 张嶷, 汪雪锋, .


[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2013, 34(4): 172-180.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhu Donghua, Zhang Ni, Wang Xuefeng et al.

Research on the methodology of technology innovation management with big data. Science of Science and Management of S.&.T.(Monthly)

, 2013, 34(4): 172-180.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[39] Boss G, Malladi P, Quan D et al.

Cloud computing

[EB/OL] [2016-12-09]. .

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[40] 方雷.


[D]. 杭州: 浙江大学, 2011 .

[本文引用: 1]     

[Fang Lei.

A cloud-computing-based study on the key technologies to implement the practical platform for efficient processing of land resource services

.Hangzhou: Zhejiang University, 2011.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[41] Alejandro F, Steward T P, Zipperer W C, et al.

Adopting a modern ecological view of the metropolitan landscape:the case of a greenspace system for the New York City region

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 1998, 39(4): 295-308.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Concern about environmental quality and the long-term livability of urban areas is now a driving paradigm for planning professionals. Although a modern ecological framework exists, inappropriate or outdated concepts continue to be used in the context of land-use decision making. These classical concepts emphasize a static view of the landscape and focus on short term planing of single sites. The modern framework emphasizes a dynamic view of a biologically rich urban environment with a focus on interactions among multiple sites across temporal scales. We summarize this framework by presenting five key ecological principles—content, context, dynamics, heterogeneity and hierarchy—and use the New York City Metropolitan Area as a case study to illustrate how these principles might be applied to achieve specific planning goals. We additionally use the case study as reference in providing some guidelines to more effectively incorporate the modern ecological framework in future planning.
[42] 何为, 黄贤金, 陈志刚, .


[J]. 土地经济研究, 2014, 1(1): 137-159.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[He Wei, Huang Xianjin, Chen Zhigang et al.

Estimation of peasants'land rights and interests loss in the process of urbanization in China during 1990 to 2010

. Land Economic Research, 2014, 1(1): 137-159.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[43] 黄贤金.


[J]. 土地经济研究, 2014, 1(2): 1-9.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Huang Xianjin.

Returning the rights to peasants, land distribution based on market-discussion on the reform of the land system in the third plenary session of the 18th congress of The Communist Party of China

. Land Economic Research, 2014, 1(2): 1-9.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[44] Van Der Valk A.

The Dutch planning experience

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2002, 58(2/4): 201-210.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The Netherlands is densely populated and highly urbanised. Growth management and spatial planning have a long-standing tradition. This article reveals driving forces and new trends in planning. The intricacies of the planning system are interpreted in an institutional and political framework. Decision making by consensus is the dominant planning style in The Netherlands. Notwithstanding, a strict adherence to the compact cities policy and a restrictive building policy for open areas, the western southern and central parts of the country are developing into an urban field. Fear for suburban sprawl and fragmentation of land is a stimulus for the development of new concepts for efficient land use. Multiple land use is an eye-opener for Dutch planners at the start of the new era.
[45] Huang Xianjin, Yi Li, Ran Yu et al.

Reconsidering the controversial LandUse policy of"linking the decreasein rural construction land with theIncrease in urban ConstructionLand":A local GovernmentPerspective

[J]. The China Review, 2014, 14(1): 175-198.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT The recent land use policy of 鈥淟inking the Decrease in Rural Construction Land with the Increase in Urban Construction Land鈥 is an attempt of the government to address the tensions between protecting arable land and providing land for construction by means of more intensive use of land. Nevertheless, the implementation of the policy has triggered much controversy, in particular about predominant dependence upon rural residential land use consolidation and the pursuit of rural-urban construction land quota transfer. Although local governments often take the blame for these issues, the case study of the comprehensive land consolidation project in Guli reveals the type of dilemma with which they are confronted. It is shown that the potential for land consolidation is limited, whereby local governments have to turn to rural residential land consolidation to achieve the targets set by the central government for land consolidation. Furthermore, the displacement and resettlement of rural dwellers puts tremendous financial pressure upon the local government, and it would be impossible to implement the central government mandate to build a new socialist countryside without selling land at a higher price. This article discusses the possibilities for a market-led land consolidation process and concludes that the targets of land consolidation and the implementation of the linking policy should vary from region to region to match local levels of economic development and specificities of the rural economy.
[46] Yang H, Huang X, Thompson J et al.

China's soil pollution: urban brownfields

[J]. Science, 2014, 344(6185): 691-692.      URL      PMID: 24833374      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Not Available
[47] Erickson D L, Lovell S T, Méndez V E.

Identifying, quantifying and classifying agricultural opportunities for land use planning

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2013, 118: 29-39.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Worldwide, urbanization is causing a loss of agricultural land as residential and commercial development expands. In many parts of the US, this land use conversion has in some cases resulted in subdivision of farms into large residential parcels. Some of these residential parcels may retain sizeable areas of undeveloped prime agricultural soil. In an uncertain future challenged by population growth, climate change, food insecurity, water shortages, and energy limitations, communities are beginning to explore their ability to feed themselves from local supplies. Addressing this issue will require additional tools for planning land use in a way that could support greater food self-sufficiency at the community level. In this study, a process was developed to identify, quantify and classify agricultural opportunities (AO). AO are simply open lands suitable for some level of agricultural production. The methods outlined here were developed in Chittenden County, Vermont but they can be applied elsewhere. While individual ancillary datasets may be unique to each study area, the general process can be replicated as long as some basic datasets such as classified land cover imagery and prime soils are available. The tools described herein, if employed by planners or geospatial analysts, can generate actionable information. The results of the analyses, as well as the associated participatory community discussions, can aid decision makers when drafting new or revising old policies. Because of their widespread applicability, these tools can serve as decision support aids for policy makers and planners tasked with developing strategies to increase food self-sufficiency.
