闫闪闪, 梁留科, 余汝艺, 王伟

The Indicator System for the Suitability Evaluation of Theme Park Construction in Urban Areas in China
Shanshan Yan, Liuke Liang, Ruyi Yu, Wei Wang
表1 德尔菲法筛选城市修建主题公园适宜性评价指标及统计结果
Table 1 The indicators for suitability of theme park park construction in urban areas selected by Delphi analysis
指标 Mi CVi Ki Si 期望值 序数
C1 4.57 4 0.74 12 5.326 4
C2 2.78 1 0.65 11 3.859 1
C3 4.04 7 0.35 16 6.848 5
C4 2.70 36.5 0.00 18 14.30 18
C5 2.74 32 0.00 26 15.18 20
C6 3.09 38 0.00 21 15.52 24
C7 4.25 3 0.30 13 6.23 3
C8 2.74 28.5 0.00 22 13.31 16
C9 3.06 19 0.04 24 12.71 14
C10 3.09 27 0.04 23 13.28 15
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C37 3.87 14 0.39 16 8.565 12