张玉虎, 向柳, 孙庆, 陈秋华

Bayesian Probabilistic Forecasting of Seasonal Hydrological Drought Based on Copula Function
Yuhu Zhang, Liu Xiang, Qing Sun, Qiuhua Chen
表2 每3个月径流不同分布拟合的AIC值和p值(括号内为p值)
Table 2 The AIC and p value of the K-S test found for different distributions fitted to three-month seasonal flow volumes
月份 Gamma Lognormal Normal Gumbel Exponential
1~3 522.0(0.84) 523.3(8×10-07) 524.4(0.75) 524.2(0.60) 53 848(3×10-09)
2~4 500.3(1) 501.5(2×10-06) 502.0(0.97) 502.4 (0.93) 45 231(7×10-10)
3~5 551.3(0.81) 554.6(2×10-06) 555.7(0.54) 550.1(0.85) 50 178(1×10-07)
4~6 598.5(0.95) 602.2(0.0002) 601.5(0.88) 599.0(0.80) 90 950.4(1×10-07)
5~7 647.9(0.81) 648.7(1×10-07) 652.3(0.53) 644.2(0.90) 199 507(9×10-10)
6~8 676.4(0.89) 678.2(3×10-07) 678.2(0.79) 676.7(0.70) 308 277(7×10-10)
7~9 677.4(0.62) 678.8(4×10-08) 680.2(0.36) 676.8(0.94) 308 167(9×10-09)
8~10 646.8(0.71) 647.4(4×10-07) 651.1(0.50) 644.0(0.95) 215 479(1×10-09)
9~11 582.4 (0.92) 581.1(8×10-07) 589.4(0.77) 576.9(0.99) 104 306(1×10-10)
10~12 511.0(0.41) 510.3(1×10-07) 514.2(0.30) 505.3(0.90) 72 409(1×10-11)
11~1 509.4(0.74) 509.8(3×10-06) 510.7(0.65) 510.7(0.50) 65 531(5×10-11)
12~2 529.5(0.93) 531.1(2×10-06) 530.6(0.93) 533.2(0.50) 62 610(3×10-09)