程希萌, 沈占锋, 邢廷炎, 夏列钢, 吴田军

Efficiency and Accuracy Analysis of Multispectral Image Classification Based on mRMR Feature Selection Method
CHENG Ximeng,SHEN Zhanfeng,XING Tingyan,XIA Liegang,WU Tianjun
表3 C5.0分类效率精度对比
Tab. 3 Comparison of the efficiency and accuracy between C5.0 classification methods
方法组合 分类时间/s 总体分类精度/(%) Kappa系数
C5.0 1.349 83.5 0.747
C5.0+BD 1.209 82.0 0.724
C5.0+HM 1.157 84.0 0.753
C5.0+F 0.852 82.0 0.725