李多, 柳艳菊, 王遵娅

Inter Annual Variation of the Onset and Ending Dates of the First Rainy Season in South China and Their Relationships with the Corresponding Precipitation
Duo Li, Yanju Liu, Zunya Wang
表1 1961~2014年华南前汛期起讫日期、持续时间及累计雨量的相关性检验
Table 1 Correlations between ODFRS, EDFRS, the duration and the rainfall of the first rainy season in South China in 1961-2014
出汛日期 持续时间 累计降水量
入汛日期 -0.2 -0.9* -0.6*
出汛日期 0.6* 0.6*
持续时间 0.8*