丹霞山国家珍稀濒危保护植物丹霞梧桐空间分布的微地貌环境特征研究 |
欧阳杰, 彭华, 罗晓莹, 陈再雄, 张安新, 马育宣 |
Environmental Features of the Micro-landforms of the Spatial Distribution of the National Rare Species of Firmiana danxiaensis on the Danxiashan Mountain |
Jie Ouyang, Hua Peng, Xiaoying Luo, Zaixiong Chen, Anxin Zhang, Yuxuan Ma |
图2 狮子岩东南坡崖壁上丹霞梧桐树叶变黄最佳观测期照片(拍摄于2016年10月23日广东省中国丹霞山世界地质公园) |
Fig.2 The yellow leaves of the Firmiana danxiaensis of the southeast cliff of the Shiziyan during the best observation period |