卞子浩, 马小雪, 龚来存, 赵静, 曾春芬, 王腊春

Land Use Prediction Based on CLUE-S Model Under Different Non-spatial Simulation Methods: A Case Study of the Qinhuai River Watershed
Zihao Bian, Xiaoxue Ma, Laicun Gong, Jing Zhao, Chunfen Zeng, Lachun Wang
表1 秦淮河流域土地利用变化(hm2
Table 1 Land use change of the Qinhuai River Watershed (hm2)
年份 水域 水田 林地 城镇用地 旱地
2000 12056.25 109006.30 31900.00 37600.00 73012.50
2005 13425.00 105712.50 31650.00 44687.50 68100.00
2010 13387.50 100631.30 31256.25 61662.50 56637.50