聂晓英, 石培基, 张学斌, 吕蕊, 朱艳芬, 魏伟

Research on Rurality Evaluation and the Driving Mechanism in Arid Regions of Northwest China: A Case Study of Wuwei City in Gansu Province
Xiaoying Nie, Peiji Shi, Xuebin Zhang, Rui Lyu, Yanfen Zhu, Wei Wei
表3 武威市乡村性发展阶段划分
Table 3 The results of rural development stages in Wuwei City
阶段划分(年份) 解释变量 控制变量
乡村性指数 第一产业占GDP比重(%) 人均GDP(元)
高度乡村性 (1949~1978) (60,100] (60,100] (5 000,∞)
中度乡村性 (1979~2003) (40,60] (30,60] (200,5 000]
低度乡村性 (2004~2013) [0,40] [0,30] [0,200]