李晓玲, 修春亮, ШендрикАлександрВладимирович, ЛачининскийСтаниславСергеевич, 贺红士

Characteristics and Mechanism of Land Use Pattern of St.Petersburg
Xiaoling Li, Chunliang Xiu, Shendrik Alexander, Stanislav Lachininsky, Hongshi He
表3 各类用地区位熵值较高地区交通网络中间性结果分布(个)
Table 3 The centrality of transport network of areas with high location entropies among all three land use types
级别 居住用地 工业用地 商业用地
5 18 27 10
4 71 73 42
3 124 156 125
2 208 245 169
1 777 899 590
合计 1198 1400 936