卢松, 张小军, 张业臣

Spatial-temporal Distribution and Controlling Factors of Traditional Villages in Huizhou Region
Song Lu, Xiaojun Zhang, Yechen Zhang
表1 2014年徽州各区县公路里程数及公路密度
Table 1 The highway mileage and highway density of different regions in Huizhou in 2014
区县名 公路里程数(km) 面积(km2 公路密度
(km/100 km2
黟县 598.00 857.42 69.7441
歙县 1627.00 2122.00 76.6730
休宁县 1309.00 2135.00 61.3115
祁门县 1145.00 2257.00 50.7311
屯溪区 188.00 248.90 75.5323
徽州区 382.00 439.65 86.8873
绩溪县 982.40 1126.00 87.2469
婺源县 2019.31 2947.00 68.5209