基于Google Earth Engine与多源遥感数据的海南水稻分类研究
谭深, 吴炳方, 张鑫

Mapping Paddy Rice in the Hainan Province Using both Google Earth Engine and Remote Sensing Images
Shen TAN, Bingfang WU, Xin ZHANG
表1 分类所需遥感影像波段参数
Tab. 1 Band informationof images employed in the research
传感器 波段 波长/nm 分辨率/m 数据量/景
Sentinel-2 MSI B2 Blue 490 10 340
B3 Green 560 10
B4 Red 665 10
B8 Near-infrared 842 10
B11 Short-wave infrared 1 1610 20
B12 Short-wave infrared 2 2190 20
Landsat-8 OLI B2 Blue 450~510 30 106
B3 Green 530~590 30
B4 Red 640~670 30
B5 Near-infrared 850~880 30
B6 Short-wave infrared 1 1570~1650 30
B7 Short-wave infrared 2 2110~2290 30
Sentinel-1 VV Dual-band crosspolarization, vertical transmission/horizontal receiver 10 月合成
VH 10