This paper presents an empirical analysis of the micro-scale traffic environment in Beijing.With survey data of the residents’degree of satisfaction with the traffic environment, spatial differentiations were analyzed across both geographical space and social groups, and the influencing factors leading to the differentiations were examined with logistic regression models.Based on the study, the concrete measures for improving the traffic environment were proposed from perspectives of land use, urban infrastructure and facilities, and the planning of public transportation.The main content of the paper is composed of three parts.1) The spatial distribution of the satisfaction degrees was analyzed.The results of analysis revealed that, with respect to traffic congestions, which is the least satisfied part of the traffic environment in Beijing, the dissatisfactions of people are significantly high in six areas, including traditional central commercial area (Wangfujing), large public housing areas (Huilongguan and Tiantongyuan), new IT centers (Zhongguancun), heavy rail-blocked neighborhoods (for instance, Shuangjing, Jinsong and Nanmofang), undeveloped suburban areas (Xiangshan and Zhiwuyuan) and new towns (Daxing and Tongzhou).An exploration of the characteristics of these areas showed that Beijing’s traffic problems are closely linked with land-use planning and public policies, and there are strong interactions between traffic infrastructure and urban activities.Therefore, it is necessary to adjust urban planning in order to realize sustainable urban transport.2) The satisfaction degrees of different people were studied.The traffic behaviors and socio-economic attributes of the residents significantly differ across four social groups, namely, educated and wealthy families, young workers, working class families, and the original inhabitants of Beijing.The last group, which is also the poorest, is significantly vulnerable in traffic.The incorporation of social policies for vulnerable social groups living in remote suburban areas is critical.3) The effects of the planning of public transportation on people’s satisfaction were analyzed.The analysis implied that optimization of the public transportation services, especially the distribution of bus stops within 800 m, would effectively improve the satisfaction of residents.Furthermore, it was found that 25-40 and 50-80 bus stops within the distance of 800 m are the best densities of bus stops in the central areas within the Third Ring Road and in the urban areas outside the Third Ring Road, respectively.Upon the results, the areas uncovered by the 800 m buffering areas of bus stops were identified, and it was suggested to increase new bus stops in these areas.The connection of bus stops with the 30 main places of the city was also found to have a significant impact on people’s satisfaction.The results were used for identifying the places where the connections of public transportation were poor and for optimizing the design of bus lines.
GAO Xiao-lu, JI Jue, ZHANG Wen-zhong
. Micro-Evaluation of Traffic Environment of Beijing[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2009
, 29(6)
: 817
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2009.06.817
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