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  • Orginal Article
    Dongqi Sun, Jingxiang Zhang, Hao Chen, Yi Hu
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2016, 36(2): 161-169.

    Displaced compensation is the main point of displaced households’ benefits in inner-city restructuring and urban expansion. Its compensation approaches and benefits rate are influenced by many factors. This article uses 349 displaced residential surveys conducted in 4 resettlement areas in Nanjing to examine the compensation. 1) Examining compensation approaches by using binary logistic regression. In China, there are two approaches: in-kind compensation and monetary compensation. The result shows that displaced households from urban village and households with the couple are both unemployed are more likely to get in-kind compensation. Because of the large size of their displaced housing area in urban village, the monetary expenses are too high to the local government. And the resettlement housing is founded by the central government and municipal government subsidies, not by the local government alone, therefore, the local government are more likely to offer in-kind compensation for displaced households from urban village. 2) Examining the benefits rate of displaced households who get monetary compensation. The results show that: households from urban village have the highest benefits rate, because before displacement they could get more income from renting their housing, the local government have to give more to persuade them to leave. And “more than 7 members’ large household size” and “high education level” have significant positive contribution to benefits rate. For the large size households, the local government could consider their actual situation to give more benefits. And for the high education households, they know more law and policies to negotiate with the local government to get more. But the household with stated-work unit family member get less benefit rate. The results of this analysis could have several explanations. One is that residents who held a position in a work unit are usually better off than farmers. They are able to accept a lower discount than farmers, and may even purchase market housing. Another explanation is that since work units are supported by corresponding ministries of the central government, or have to maintain good relationships with the local government, in some demolition projects the local government coordinates with work units to make sure that employees are forced to move or to accept and sign the compensation contracts as soon as possible which make them loss the negotiation chance. We conclude that the benefit is not the result of market-oriented, but the product of the market and the old system of planned economy. Because in the process of compensation, the local government still use some the planned economy period approaches, such as incomplete monetization, set the standard ceiling; consider the households actual situation (whether they are low-income), etc.. Market led by the demolition and land transfer, in the resettlement compensation is still the implementation of non-market approach. Therefore, the establishment of fair and reasonable compensation mechanism is the key solution.

  • Orginal Article
    Yan-guang CHEN
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2012, 32(1): 12-17.

    The curves on the change of level of urbanization over time are called urbanization curves, which are in fact models of the progress of urbanization based on empirical evidences from developed countries and developing countries. There are two types of urbanization curves. One is S-shaped curve, and the other, J-shaped curve. The S-curve can be modeled with the logistic function, while the J-curve cannot be described by the logistic function. The former is applicable to the developed countries, whereas the latter is applicable to the developing countries. So far, there have been more studies on the S-shaped curve. However, fewer studies have been devoted to the J-shaped curve of urbanization. Consequently, we know little about the general principle on the J-shaped curve and its underlying rationale, which remain to be further explored in the future. In this paper, various studies on urbanization curves are systemized to form a framework of models on the level of urbanization. The logistic curve was once divided into three stages by Northam (1979): initial stage, acceleration stage, and terminal stage. However, the Northam's proposal is just a phenomenological theory with several defects: first, the definition of 'acceleration stage' is not correct; second, there are no theoretical basis and critical scale for the divisions. It can be proved that the logistic process falls into four phases. Taking half of urbanization level capacity as a tipping point, the logistic curve is divided into two stages: acceleration stage (urban majority) and deceleration stage (urban minority). The tipping point can be determined by two methods of elementary mathematics. Then the two stages are respectively divided into two sub-stages by means of the exponential law of urban-rural ratio with a parameter as characteristic length. Now, urbanization process can be divided into four stages: initial stage, acceleration stage, deceleration stage, and terminal stage. Also it can be divided into three stages: initial stage, celerity stage (including acceleration stage and deceleration stage), and terminal stage. Two methods are always applied to the research of urbanization curves and the related urbanization dynamics. One is phenomenological analysis, and the other, theoreticalogical analysis, which consists of three approaches: urban-rural allometric growth, urban-rural population replacement, and urban-rural population interaction dynamics. Urban-rural allometric growth analysis is a kind of scaling analysis. Urban-rural population replacement suggests a new dynamical analysis. Urban-rural interaction comprises linear dynamics and nonlinear dynamics. The linear dynamics is based on the well-known Keyfitz-Rogers model, whereas the nonlinear dynamical analysis can be employed to interpret the similarities and differences between the S-shaped and J-shaped curves. China’s urbanization process can be described with the J-shaped curve rather than the S-shaped curve. The studies on the urbanization curves will be significant for understanding the dynamical mechanism and essence of Chinese urbanization.

  • Orginal Article
    Guangwen Meng, Chunzhi Wang, Mingming Du, Jiguang Wang, Chuan Zhao, Xiaonan Lu, Hongmei Wang
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2018, 38(5): 727-736.

    The article uses the index of trade combination degree to analyze the dependence of China and Nigeria on each other, and summarize the characteristics of China's investment and trade with Nigeria. Then, by reviewing the progress of development of Nigeria Ogun Guangdong Free Trade Zone, analyzing the Free Trade Zone aggregation degree by using the EG index, the results show that most industries have high agglomeration degree, and conform to the requirements of Nigeria to encourage pioneer industry. The third, through the analysis and discussion of the results, the article sums up the challenges faced by the Zone in terms of industry, infrastructure, the host country's political and economic environment. Finally, it puts forward some suggestions on the future optimization and development of the park from the government and the enterprise.

  • Orginal Article
    Chunfang Liu, Zhiying Zhang
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2018, 38(10): 1624-1633.

    The in-depth implementation of the new urbanization and rural revitalization strategy has pushed the urban-rural relationship into a new stage of integrated development. Based on Citespace1.0 software analysis and literature induction method, the paper identified the research hotspots of urban-rural relationship, reviewed the research progress of urban-rural relationship. Which included theoretical connotation and influencing factors of urban-rural relationship, measurement and evaluation of urban-rural connection, urban-rural spatial organization and development mode, and coordinated development of urban-rural areas and promotion strategy. Combining with the social economic background of information revolution and the change of urban-rural relationship in China, we points out that the construction of urban-rural relationship in the new period needs to change the traditional urban-rural relationship centered on the city, promote the integration of urban and rural areas and the formation of a new pattern of equal development between urban and rural areas. Based on this, we puts forward and discusses the construction and overall thought of a new urban-rural relationship toward urban-rural integration development. Then we proposes a framework for urban-rural integration analysis based on elements flow, puts forward the general idea of analyzing the characteristics, pattern and mechanism of urban-rural elements flow, which is supported by flow space theory and new mobility paradigm, multi-source data and visual analysis. The paper emphasizes the importance of measurement and evaluation of urban-rural relationship and the flow of urban-rural elements. The characteristics, pattern and mechanism of urban-rural factors flow, and the regulation and control strategy of the integration development of urban-rural areas are discussed in detail. The paper also explores the construction of the urban-rural integration database, the measurement of the flow of urban-rural elements and their spatial-temporal changes, and spatial simulation and visualization expression and other methods and techniques.

  • Orginal Article
    Xiaofei Chen, Shimou Yao, Luocheng Zhang
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2016, 36(2): 188-195.

    Issue of urban-rural integration is a comprehensive subject, with the new urbanization proposed, urban-rural relations are facing a complex dilemma in many cities, so it is important to discuss the theory and practice of urban-rural integration in China under the new urbanization background. The practice of new urbanization and urban-rural integration development is not only an important way to solve the problems concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers, or to promote a strong driving force for regional coordinated development and industrial upgrading. The article analyzes the ecological resources, migration, industrial layout and urban space, land system in the process of urban-rural integration and pointed out that we should confirm a resource-saving concept of urban-rural integration, establish a healthy urbanization direction of urban-rural integration, understand urban-rural integration from the perspective of regional space and solve the land system problems of urban-rural integration. At the same time, the article pointed out the optimization direction under the context of new urbanization:1) We should optimize the key areas development and exploit suburban land rationally; 2) We should optimize space layout and build diverse complementary pattern;3) We should optimize industrial structure of clusters and make better chain link between rural and urban industrial; 4) We should optimize a better environment and promote the urban transformation to eco-city; 5) We should optimize the market-oriented mechanism and guarantee the government regulation in line with the law.

  • Xiao Duning, Li Xiuzhen
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 1997, 17(4): 355-364.
    This essay is based on two important landscape ecology congresses the authors attended in 1995. It summerized the recent development of landscape ecology at home and abroad, and introduced some advanced fields in the subject, such as spatial ecology, future landscape planning, optimum land use arrangement, as well as landscape and culture etc. The authors also gave his own opinions on some theoretical and practical problems, such as frame works of landscape ecology, landscape stability and bearing capacity, ecological effects of human activity, agricultural landscape construction and planning, as well as urban landscape structure and residential environment etc. To make this new discipline more applicable in our country, much work should be done on the cooperation among different sciences and government departments.
  • Orginal Article
    Fenghua Sun, Dadao Lu, Hezhi Dai, Xiaoyan Shen, Xixi Wang, Jianbin Xu
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2017, 37(1): 1-10.

    Firstly, this article reviewed the research of the construction of Trans-Bohai Strait Passageway. The interpretation of the theory of geopolitics and geopolitical strategy, the main foreign geopolitics and geopolitical strategy were summarized. Then it clearly pointed out that the geopolitical strategy determines the direction of competitive power. China has the most complex geopolitical environment in the world, because the "V" shape geopolitical hot line exists around China for long time. China's geopolitical "great game" is made up of the "V" shape geopolitical hot line which passes through five geo-political strategy of district, surrounding China, such as Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia, South Asia, North Asia, and Central Asia. The dispute over the South China Sea is a direct threat to the safety of China's territory. Northeast Asia has become a hot spot in China's geopolitical relations. There is a long-time battle between China and India in South Asia. Russia will become an important Strategic partner of China in North Asia. The complex geopolitical factors of Central Asia will affect China's northwest frontier safety for a long time. The great geopolitical game of China must be well played to ensure the safety of China's geopolitical strategic problem. The study shows that there is of great significance for the construction of trans-Bohai strait passageway and its geopolitical strategies of China. Firstly, the construction of trans-Bohai strait passageway is an important support for playing the great game of China's geopolitical. Then it is an important component of the “one belt one road” strategy which is to break the U.S. Asia Pacific rebalancing strategy. Third, it will play an important role in curbing the local war to ensure national security in Northeast Asia. Trans-Bohai Strait Passageway is a world-class project which has high cost, high income as well as high risk. So we must learn from the experience and lessons of domestic and foreign world-class engineering construction, as well as do research in all relevant issues and we should never be eager for quick back.

  • Chen Guojie
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 1997, 17(1): 1-7.
    Baidu(76) CSCD(24)
    The formation and enlarging of economic development gaps between the east, centre and west in China resulted from long time evolution by comprehensive effects consisting of historical, natural and social factors. Contemporary unbalance of regional economic development enlarges the gap of economic grades in the three parts of China. It is a good way for the western China to carry out the strategy of overall opening to outside world, but it should emphasize to connect with the Pacific Area and the eastern and central parts of China. Meantime, it is not negligent for the western part to accelerate the construction of trafic trunk connecting the west with the east.
  • Orginal Article
    Hongling Qi, Jisheng Liu, Lin Mei
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2018, 38(2): 264-271.

    Tourism area life cycle (TALC) is the theory to describe tourism destination evolution path, which is the most important part of tourism theory system and the most primary tool in regional tourism sustainable development planning. To further develop our existing knowledge on tourism areas evolution, some divergence and confusion on the TALC theory and its basis need to be clarified. Reviewing the domestic and international main literatures, the controversy and achievement about the basic theory are summarized elaborately. First, according to the study of the origination and development of the TALC theory of Butler and the analyzing the key concept, the article concludes that the TALC theory emphasizes the evolution of tourism region system rather than tourism product, though the theory can also be an appropriate tool for analyzing the development of tourism product. Summarizing the discussion about stages division in TALC theory, researching advantages and disadvantages of different way of stages demarcation and considering the practical value of the TALC theory, the article suggests that the evolution path of tourism region should be divided to eight stages. Which are exploration, involvement, development, consolidation, stagnation, reorientation, decline or rejuvenation, and exit stage. Beside the classical six stages in Butler TALC theory, the reorientation stage and exit stage are absolutely necessary in guiding the development of tourism area. Management decision and new investment will determine the tourism area’s evolutionary routine in reorientation stage, if the reorientation effort comes to nothing, the tourism system continues to decline, then the tourism area is doomed to enter exit stage, which means industry transformation. Experience tells us that the industry transformation is very hard for developed tourism area, very few companies want to set new branches in the decline tourism area for lacking of human resource, while a large number of people cannot find a new job after unemployed in tourism industry, there is a great possibility of big recession of whole region in exit stage. Therefore, the eight-stage TALC theory will be a more powerful tool for region development management and planning. Second, summarizing the two hot issues about TALC from 1980 to 2016, the majority literatures focus on the different characters of stages which based on specific area development data, another is the mechanism of the tourism area's evolution and four kinds of influence factors, which are macro-environment, demand, competitors and tourism area’s conditional combination. Which offers a more powerful thrust to regional tourism development planning. At last, proposing the future research prospects on TALC theory in new environment. More studies will focus on the development quality of the human-earth system in different stages instead of the shape of evolution routine of tourism area, reveal the mechanism of tourism industry decline and alternative counterplan of industry transformation in different stages, and rethink about the tourism industrial status in region economic system.

  • Orginal Article
    Bin Yu, Yan Lu, Juxin Zeng, Yuanyuan Zhu
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2017, 37(3): 375-385.

    In the context of both contemporary human development transformation and humanism booming, ‘living space’ has become a new perspective for human geographers to investigate the change of human-environment relationship, and the spatial view of integrating ‘pattern-connotation-implication’ has also become a new thinking to interpret the interaction of human activities and environment. So far, the researches on living space have focused mainly on the urban areas and their element space and space form. In contrast, little attention has been paid on the rural areas, juxtaposition space and three-dimensioned research. Rural living space refers to a polymer formed by the overlapping of everyday activities for rural residents in a certain territory, such as dwelling, employment, consumption and leisure, and also an organic body where spatial form, spatial implication and spatial meaning are inherently associated with each other. Due to differences in development environment and concrete national situations, post-modernization and counter-urbanization in developed countries has contributed to the post-rurality in rural space. There have been two highlights on rural living space in western academic circles. One indicates the diversification of living subjects in rural area in the context of post-productivism and the heterogenization of living space, and the other refers to life experience and spatial construction with respect to vulnerable groups who are “otherized” by urban social living or marginalized in space. Rural region in China has kept going through function transformation and spatial reconstruction, so it is a unique significance for the livable construction of rural living space. At the present stage, there are also two distinct characteristics studying on rural living space at home. From the view of contents, studies on changes in dwelling space and employment space of rural residents have been played more attention, while studies on consumption space and leisure space are as sparse as morning stars. From the view of methods, the empirical analysis in spatial forms has occupied a leading position, while the structural analysis in spatial implication and humanistic analysis in spatial meaning are expected to carry forward. Notably, it is hard for western studies on rural living space to be standardized. Studies on China’s rural living space own their distinct context. Effective analysis framework can be made from the view of space mutually unified by form, implication and meaning, applying the rational of deconstructing spatial pattern by environment, perceiving spatial connotation by relationship and interpreting spatial implication by impacts, and powerful analysis tools can be created based on various methods of spatial behavior analysis, employing the research methods of combing quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, spatial analysis and statistical analysis; Which will focus on mainly exploring the features, mechanism and effects of the changes of the rural living space to reveal the change laws of rural human-environment. The expected achievements might amplify the research viewpoints, contents and methods of rural geography, and provide theoretical support for the sustainable development of the rural areas.

  • Orginal Article
    Tingting Yu, Yuxiang Song, Feilong Hao, Rong A
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2017, 37(5): 709-717.

    Northeast China is considered as the important old industrial base. However the change of population distribution and driving factors were not clear yet under the circumstance of a new round of revitalization. Therefore, according to the population census data in 1990, 2000 and 2010, Lorenz curve, relative change rate of population density and Moran’s I are employed to analysis spatial pattern evolution of population distribution in Northeast China in 1990-2010, which consist of 176 counties. Subsequently, based on the partial least squares (PLS) regression method, 10 natural and social-economic factors are recognized to make quantitative analysis on spatial pattern evolution of population distribution in Northeast China. Major conclusion can be drawn as follows: 1) From the stand point of overall distribution pattern changes in nearly 20 years, average population density shows: Heilongjiang Province< Jilin Province

  • Orginal Article
    Xiao Qin, Feng Zhen
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2017, 37(3): 321-330.

    Appearance of Information and communication technology has set off a new wave of big data to promote a transformation of the traditional methods in urban studies. However, types of limitations of big data also make scholars rethink the role of small data in specific applications for research. We believe that the small data will not lose its value, instead, it can be combined with big data in urban study, which is needed to focus on relationship between urban and resident activity in the information era. Therefore, we should discuss a new framework for such combination on complicated urban problems and diversified resident demands. Firstly, we put forward to three methodologies including combination between physical space and activity space, combination between correlativity and causality, and combination between macro-scale analysis and micro-scale analysis. Secondly, based on above methodologies, we build three method frameworks for urban studies in the information era, namely ‘Spatial development evaluations for big samples+Spatial difference and connection discovery+Factors discussions for small samples’, ‘Model building for small samples+Factors discussions+Verifications and explorations for big samples’, and ‘Micro-analysis of activities+Delineations of activity space+Factors discussions’. Finally, we discuss applications of above three method frameworks.

  • Orginal Article
    Yao-guang ZHANG, Kai LIU, Gui-chun LIU
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2012, 32(9): 1033-1040.

    Many islets and reefs in South China Sea are main parts of China. The nine-dotted line is China’s maritime boundary line. To study the formation and evolvement of the nine-dotted line is not only a matter of maritime geopolitics, but also a matter of maintain sovereignty, protection of islets and reefs and resources management. How the nine-dotted line came into being is an academic topic that has not been studied much. Map is one of the means by which a country claims its territory. Besides demonstration in words, map-reading is used in this article to study the formation and evolvement of the nine dash lines to deline the South China Sea. The whole formation process is divided into three phases, namely the initial phase, taking-shape phase, and the final phase. Time before the 1930s witnessed the appearance of the maritime boundary line in South China Sea. The boundary line took shape in the 1930s, and its evolvement came to the final stage in the 1940s-1950s. The original continuous line demarcation and the dotted line demarcation in this sea area can all be found on maps in that period. The maps clearly showes how the eleven-dotted line demarcation changes to the current nine-dotted line demarcation. With the formation and evolvement of the nine-dotted line clarified, the historical fact could be confirmed that China has sovereignty over the islets and reefs within the line. The nine-dotted line is the final maritime boundary line of China.

  • Orginal Article
    Jie YIN, Er-fu DAI, Shao-hong WU
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2013, 33(11): 1370-1376.

    Under the background of global climate change, extreme events occur frequently which can cause intensified natural disaster risk. China characterized with high population density and intensive economy in east-central areas, as one of the countries influenced frequently by typhoon events, the agriculture, population, buildings and economy are threatened significantly by typhoon disasters. The quantitative risk assessment on disaster-bearing bodies and regionally integrated zoning are not just a theory study in risk management, also can offer practical guidance on mitigation and prevention in typhoon disaster. In our study, on the basis of the typhoon disaster mechanism, the vulnerabilities of disaster-bearing bodies were evaluated according to typhoon disaster loss criteria established by applying historical typhoon loss data. In addition, the probabilities of typhoons in each country region were analyzed comprehensively using the indices of landing frequencies and track line lengths. Then applying risk assessment model, the typhoon risks caused by the different intensities were evaluated quantitatively. Synthesized on the risks of the same or the different intensity typhoons for disaster-bearing bodies, the typhoon disaster risk zone for China was divided into nine areas and belonged to three classes (respectively is high, medium and low risk). The high risk areas are located in southern part of Guangxi Province, most of Guangdong Province, coastal areas of Fujian and Zhejiang Province, Yangtz River Delta area, most of Jiangsu Province, some inland counties of Jiangxi and Anhui Province. Based on the above results, the helpful suggestions on prevention and reduction in regional typhoon disaster were put forward.

  • Orginal Article
    Qian CHENG, Su-pei LING
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2013, 33(10): 1166-1172.

    :Intangible cultural heritage is defined as a spectral cultural heritage that has important historical and art values. Research on the geographical distribution and affecting factors of the intangible cultural heritage in China is important for the improvement of heritage protection and management. Data from 2 376 items concerning intangible cultural heritage in China are collected on a national level and analyzed based on the Geographic Information System. Research shows that the structural types of intangible cultural heritage in China can be divided into three classes. The first class includes traditional craft and traditional opera. This class is considered the most predominant class among the intangible cultural heritage classes in China. The second class, which is less predominant, includes traditional music, customs, dancing, art, and literature. The third class, which is the least predominant among the classes, includes traditional physical education, medicine, and drama. Numerous types of intangible cultural heritage exist in China that were influenced by the nationality and rationality of the population. Most of these types of heritage can be found in the rich history, popular culture, and minority regions of China. The structural level of the heritage is unbalanced and exhibits zone and block shapes. The intangible cultural heritage in China is mainly distributed in the Eastern and Middle regions, whereas only a few are distributed in the Western region. The number and density of intangible cultural heritage in Southern China are bigger than that in Northern China. Intangible cultural heritage in China is also preserved by communities along the Changjiang River. Heritage distribution has a certain correlation with big river systems. The number and density of intangible cultural heritage is greatly unbalanced in the Eastern, Middle, and Western regions of China. Eastern China has the highest density of intangible cultural heritage followed by Middle China and Western China. Intangible cultural heritage is highly dense in Eastern China and sparse in Western China. The factors that affect the distribution of intangible cultural heritage are as follows. First is the geographic environment. More intangible cultural heritage can be found in areas rich in products and human activities. Second, the distribution of intangible cultural heritage has certain correlations with livable environmental conditions and minority regions because these areas are characterized by long histories and rich cultures. Third, minority regions along border areas are subjected to less cultural invasion. Although intangible cultural heritage items are divided in this paper to assess their precise spatial distributions, distinguishing these items is difficult because of carrier movement. The evaluation of intangible cultural heritage by the National Cultural Relics Administration is also limited. Thus, research on evaluation of intangible cultural heritage should be reinforced in the future.

  • Orginal Article
    Jian-jun DING
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2014, 34(12): 1418-1427.

    It is very important that to know the poverty degrees of the 11 Contiguous Destitute Areas in China for implementing the Contiguous Destitute Areas′ development and poverty alleviation strategy effectively. As development and poverty are the two sides of a coin, moreover, the development connotation has broadened from economic growth to comprehensive development and the poverty domain enlarged from single dimension to multi-dimensions, this article adopts a new way to assess poverty from the perspective of comprehensive development. Firstly, the author constructed a comprehensive development index system which covered 24 indicators of economic development, social service and ecological environment. Then, assessed and compared the poverty degrees of the 11 Contiguous Destitute Areas. The results showed that: 1) Among of the three dimensions of economic development, social service and ecological environment, economic development performance was the worst and became the poorest dimension of the 11 Contiguous Destitute Areas in China at present, the performance of social service had improved but still very poor, the ecological endowment was rich and ecological pressure was low so far, but the ecology was rather fragile and needed to pay more attention to it ; 2)The spatial distribution characteristics of poverty degree were that the poverty degree of Contiguous Destitute Area was more and more serious from eastern part to northern part and to southwestern part gradually, and southwestern hinterland was the poorest area of China, where covered 5 Contiguous Destitute Areas such as Wuling Mountain Area, Qinba Mountain Area, Wumeng Mountain Area, Border Area of Western Yunan and Rocky Desertification Area of Yunan, Guizhou and Guangxi, in these areas, there were lots of poor families and the poor degree was the most serious one; 3) Besides some common characteristics of the indicators which revealed the economic development level and regional self-development ability such as per capita GDP, per capita revenue, rural per capita net income, average years of education and scientific and technical personnel number in ten thousand people, there were obvious differences of indicators such as cement road ratio of administrative village, population density, nine-year compulsory education achievement ratio, village clinic coverage ratio and illiteracy rate of young adults among the 11 Contiguous Destitute Areas.

  • Orginal Article
    Guo-jun ZENG, Shu-zhi SUN, Hong ZHU, Bo LIU, Xiao-mei CAI
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2013, 33(3): 291-298.

    The globalization is far from the displace process. However, it is the process of redefination and production of locality. On the background of globalization, the frequent migration of people and businesses makes them exceed the established boundary, forming a more and more translocality. Recently, the locality and cultural production are gotten a lot of research interests of cultural geographers. However, many questions, such as ‘paradox of cultural preservation and innovation’ and the ‘dilemma of authenticity and standardization’ faced by translocal cultural production are unresolved by scholars. This article constructs a theoretical framework of restaurants' cultural production to discuss the categories and characteristics of translocal cultural production based on four cases of foreign restaurants in Canton. The theoretical analysis reveals that there are four different kinds of cultural production of translocal restaurants: standardization of authenticity, cultural production of authenticity, cultural production of standardization, and cultural production of Heterogeneity. And the results of case study illustrate that four kinds of cultural production can be accepted by the consumers of translocal restaurants. In virtue of disciplinary integration, the conbination of translocality and cultural production would provide chances for the development of translocal cultural production. And also, it is a new exploration of the food geography with the methodology of new culture geography. This article would promote the discipline development of cultural geography. In the meanwhile, it can provide a theoretical basis for the protection and innovation of food culture, as well as diffusion of food culture and identification of place image.?

  • WANG Dan
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2010, 30(4): 636-642.
    Based on an analysis on SCI and SSCI journals, 62 journals related to Human Geography is found, including 4 SCI journals and 60 SSCI journals, 2 journals that are indexed both by SCI and SSCI. Features of 4 SCI journals are then introduced and 60 SSCI journals are classified into 9 categories. Journals with high impact factor and those that have accepted more Chinese authors’ papers are especially listed where the content, emphasis, impact factor are described. Summarization is made regarding the status of Chinese human geographers publishing SCI, SSCI papers. The reasons why small quantity of Chinese human geography papers were published in SCI and SSCI journals are over-emphasizing SCI and neglecting SSCI, few Chinese journals indexed by SSCI, and lack of knowledge on SSCI journals. Finally 4 pieces of suggestion are put forward on paper writing and submission.
  • Wang Zhao, Li Tao, Huang Wenjie
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2023, 43(1): 82-91.

    This paper first composed the scientific definition of urban-rural logistics network from the spatial perspective, then analyzed the elements of urban-rural logistics network with reference to the basic framework of spatial structure theory and the corresponding functional characteristics of each element. The results are as follows: 1) In this paper, urban-rural logistics network is defined as an integrated spatial network that promotes the efficient flow of factors within the urban-rural geographical scope with multi-directional connecting channels and multi-level logistics nodes as the basic carrier in the process of urban-rural integration. It is also argued that urban-rural logistics network is a novel form of logistics organization in the stage of urban-rural integration. The essence of urban-rural logistics network includes the spatial extension, convergence and efficiency improvement of the existing urban logistics network and rural logistics network. 2) From the spatial perspective, the elements of urban-rural logistics network can be decomposed into three elements: node, connection and domain surface. It is pointed out that each element of the network has experienced functional strengthening and renewal. For example, the management and economic function of nodes has been strengthened in urban-rural logistics network. Besides that, the link and balance functions of linkage appeared, and the organize and adjust functions of domain surface are highlighted. 3) Following the scientific logic of “pattern-process-mechanism-decision” in geography, the analysis framework of urban-rural logistics network from spatial perspective is proposed to establish the structure of urban-rural logistics network and its evolution mechanism. Finally, our research pointed out that we should further to explore the regional types, regional suitability and interaction mechanisms of urban-rural logistics elements, and refine spatial organization models of multi-scale region, so as to strengthen the scientific knowledge of urban-rural logistics systems and scientifically support the practice of urban-rural integration.

  • Orginal Article
    Yafen Feng, Wanyuan Yu, Rulin Lei
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2017, 37(2): 236-243.

    By taking 126 national traditional villages of Guangdong Provinces as samples, a database about spatial properties of these villages was established by the application of a vector map of Guangdong Province, with a scale of 1∶500 000, and ArcGIS. Then, the proximal point index, geography coefficient of concentration, spatial gini coefficient, and unbalanced index were combined and used to analyze the spatial distribution and controlling factors of these villages. The results are as follows: 1) The calculation of nearest-neighbour distance reveals that the spatial distribution of these national traditional villages in Guangdong Province presents a type of cluster; while the calculation of geography coefficient of concentration reveals that in the scale of a city, these villages are mainly distributed in the following four cities: Meizhou, Qingyuan, Guangzhou, and Zhanjiang. The calculation of spatial gini coefficient reveals that these villages present an unbalanced distribution pattern, they are mainly distributed in the north of Guangdong, then is the Pearl River Delta. In addition, the kernel density estimation reveals that there are two high density regions of these villages in Meizhou and Qingyuan, three sub-high density regions in Guangzhou, Zhanjiang and Dongguan, respectively. 2) The spatial distribution of these national traditional villages in Guangdong is affected by natural environment, social economy, history and culture. In terms of natural geographic environment, these villages are mainly distributed in the northern mountainous area of Guangdong, the Pearl River Delta, and the coastal area of Zhanjiang. It indicates more villages are distributed in relatively isolated mountainous area and plain area with good farming conditions. The reason is that the geographical environment of mountainous area is relatively independent, so traditional villages have formed their own characteristics in a relatively closed environment and preserved relatively complete; plain areas generally have ample water, land conditions and abundant land resources, so it is the first choice for people to live and work. Moreover, the spatial distribution of these villages significantly correlates with economic developing level of different regions, they are either distributed in relatively under-developed or developed regions. Because, people and government have money to protect traditional villages in developed regions; and in relatively under-developed regions, the transportation, communication, information exchange, economic development are relatively backward, where traditional villages were not destroyed but existed. Furthermore, the accumulation of history and culture is another important factor that affects the distribution density of these villages. Historical regions with distinct cultural identity in Guangdong are found to have more traditional villages.

  • Orginal Article
    Yanwei Chai, Bochu Liu, Yu Liu, Xiujun Ma, Tana, Yue Shen
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2018, 38(1): 1-10.

    Urban signs characterize the state of development and operation of a city, including construction conditions of built environment,driving force of urban economic and social development, operational status of facilities and urban activities of individuals in the city, etc. The diagnosis of urban signs equals to the health examination of urban development and operation, by which sticking points are recognized. A set of reliable and practical urban diagnostic indices is required not only to comprehensively reflect correlative sub urban systems that are static or dynamic, but also illustrate the status of urban system through quantitative methods and geo-visualization. Using traditional data and big data from different sources, this paper constructs a system of diagnostic index of urban signs based upon the integration of urban activity-travel system, urban population system, urban operation system, and urban environment system. The diagnostic index system is decomposed into 4 dimensions including fundamental force, driving force, pressure and vitality. The fundamental force index is used to describe basic attributes of land use and population; the driving force index reflects the state of development of spatial units through development of enterprises and quality of the environment; the pressure index is used to monitor the running status of the urban system, and as such, it plays a role in risk-evaluation and risk-warning; the vitality index reflects the real vitality of the spatial units by demonstrating the dynamic characteristics of the activity system and flows in time and space. 12 spatio-temporal scales are acquired through intersection of 4 levels of the spatial units(municipal Shanghai , district, Jiedao, census tract)and 3 levels of temporal scales(annual,daily and real time levels). The index weight is determined by fuzzy hierarchy analysis. Taking April 6, 2016 as an example, we calculate both comprehensive and dimensional diagnostic index of urban signs of Jiedaos (subdistrict that is sub-divided into several residential communities or neighbourhoods) in Shanghai and elaborate on how the diagnostic index of urban signs corresponds to actual state and facilitates detection of urban problems. Results show that comprehensive diagnostic index varies slightly while considerable variations emerge in diagnostic index of each dimension. Fundamental force index, driving force index and vitality index decline gradually from inner city to suburbs. On the contrary, pressure index increases from inner city to suburbs. Through visual and real-time analysis and evaluation, the diagnostic index of urban signs has huge potential for implementation in urban grid management, pressure warning and other needs of urban governance.

  • Orginal Article
    Gang Li, Ran Tan, Huijuan Wang, Xiang Yan, Yan Shao
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2017, 37(7): 1049-1058.

    Based on over ten thousand pieces of relative-seeking data from a certain online public platform, the basic laws of crime activities of trafficking in children in China during 1980-2015 were examined through a variety of analytical methods like GIS and SPSS from the perspective of geography of crime. It was found that: 1) The main purpose of trafficking is for forced adoption, and the total trafficking amount of the male is more than that of the female. High trafficking frequency occurred at low ages. The female were trafficked more at adolescence stages while boys were trafficked more at baby, infant and children stages. It can be divided into four trafficking types: “family control type”, “adoption tricking type”, “integrated transition type” and “pre-adult labor type”. 2) The amount of crime since 1980 presented a “Pour Spoon” pattern of fluctuations and reached the peak stage during 1989-1998. The crime was significantly affected by the strike policy and population policy with a “seesaw” type of response. Compared to promulgation of legal foul, a direct blow from the public security department was still the most effective way to curb. 3) The number of monthly changes in criminal cases showed two-inverted “U” pattern, with two peak stages from May to August and from October to January. Seasonal variation was not obvious. The crime occurred more frequently during the winter half-year (summer and autumn) than the winter half-year (winter and spring), which indicated temperatures could promote the occurrence of the crime. 4) The crime presented “centralized supply/trafficking-out from the west while decentralized demand/trafficking-in to the east” features: the core area of supply concentrated in Sichuan and Guizhou of Southwest China while the core area of demand concentrated in Fujian, Guangdong, Shandong and Henan. The whole migration pattern of “trafficking from the west to the east” had a linkage to the “push-pull” mechanism resulting from the regional economic difference between eastern and western areas. 5) The crime presented the main “field-flow” features of the spatial pattern as “three-area and two-route” and the two crime flows were formed between the three crime areas with certain driving effect: the south route’s flow was from Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan to Fujian with a certain collateral flow in Guangxi, and the north route’s flow was from Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan to Shandong, Henan and Hebei with a certain collateral flow in Shaanxi. 6) With the time went on, the spatial concentration degree of the crime of trafficking in children presented a descending trend. Gradually in future, the crime was sure to be developed from a regional crime to a national crime, and “Hollow Village” and “Urban Village” would be the potential high-risk areas, which would be a big challenge for future prevention and control. Several research prospects from the perspectives of data, contents, theories, methods and comparison are figured out.

  • Orginal Article
    Jing-hu PAN, Yi-bo CONG
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2012, 32(11): 1321-1327.

    Transit route system is link between tourist destination and tourist market, so the good transit system will provide an important theoretical support for optimizing the distribution of scenic spots for planning-making. Scenic spot is a very important carrier of tourism activities. The study of the spatial structure of tourism is receiving increasing attention but methodology so far has used qualitative rather than quantitative methods. The criterion of A-grade scenic spot is a tourist ranking classifiable system in China, consisting of almost all the most popular and important tourist destinations in China. Based on an investigation on 1 063 tourist scenic spots with National AAAA grade (4A for short) and using GIS and some quantitative analysis methods, the spatial structure of scenic spots is investigated, with their characteristics and distribution for different strategies being discussed. Based on the matrix raster data, this article calculates the spatial accessibility of all counties in China using cost weighted distance method and ArcGIS as platforms. Then it discusses the spatial differences of county accessibility of scenic spots by ESDA (Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis). The results show that general scenic spots exhibit an aggregated distribution. Considering the accessibility, it can be found that the human scenic spots are more centralized. The average accessibility is about 60.5 min, and the area where the accessibility of scenic spots within 120 min reaches 63.29%, while the area where the accessibility within 30 min accounts for 19.84% and the longest time needs 595 min which is located at central Tibetan Plateau. The values of the average accessibility of natural scenic spots and human scenic spots are 67.7 and 63.01 min, respectively. And then, the distribution of the accessibility coincides with traffic line. At county level, the estimated values of Moran’s I are all positive using the analysis of spatial association. All the test results indicate that scenic spots and adjacent areas show the strong positive correlation. The distribution of hot spots regarding the accessibility shows a obvious zonal distribution pattern of hot spots-sub-hotspots-sub-cold spots-cold spots from east to west, which the hot spots are in the eastern and southern China, Central Liaoning, Chengdu-Chongqing, Kunming-Guiyang and Hainan. Cold spots are distributed in the border zone of Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai Province.

  • Orginal Article
    Hui-ming ZONG, Peng-cheng WANG, Ji-cai DAI
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2015, 35(7): 831-837.

    The Chinese cities are experiencing the process of rapid globalization and urbanization, which makes the process of urban structure transforming more complicated. The relationship between the spatial layout of logistics and urban structure is meaningful to the urban theory and urban planning but less discussed. This article takes Chongqing’s urban area as a case, one of biggest cities and logistics center in western China, to analyze the influence of logistics parks to urban structure. We collected data by field work in all the logistics parks, especially by deeply interviewed with the managers of logistics parks and the officers from government. Firstly, we reviewed the development process of logistics parks in Chongqing City. Although it developed later, it has been experiencing a rapid industrialization process with a fast speed. Secondly, two location preferences of the logisitcs parks were found: one is near main road or main transportation terminal; the other is far from the urban center area; Thirdly, we argued that logistics parks have close relationship with the urban spatial structure. On the one hand, logistics parks locating outside of the urban area had led the sprawl of urban area through the transportation oriented development; on the other hand, they brought changes to the urban internal structure and function by guaranteeing the logistics land space and promoting the development of surrounded area. Fourthly, an interaction mechanism framework was conducted with urban governance factors and economical impacts. Finally, this article suggests that the direct and indirect interaction between the logistics park and urban structure should have different performance with different logistics parks. The future direction of research should be more cases study about the logistics parks and urban structure.

  • Orginal Article
    Zenglin Han, Bin Li, Kunling Zhang, Xuan Li
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2016, 36(5): 643-652.

    It is an important issue for marine economy research filed to analyze and show the research hotspot, the core of author groups, major research institutions and important scholarly journals. Taking 3 441 articles related to marine economy which are retrieved form “China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database” and“Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index” as subjects, we have drawn maps of the research hotspot, the core of author groups, major research institutions and important scholarly journals to by CiteSpace, a visual software for literature analysis. As a result, firstly, since Chinese marine economy research association was established in 1982, marine economy caused concern of scholars gradually. Secondly, the study of China’s marine economy focused on marine economy, marine industry, sustainable development, exploitation of marine resources, coastal tourism, coastal regions, etc. Thirdly, Han Zenglin, Zhang Yaoguang, Zheng Guibin, Yin Kedong, Li Jingyu and Xu Zhibin are the top six prolific authors in marine economy research, and most research teams are study alone, common research teams are made up by authors who come from the same institution; and State Oceanic Administration People’s Republic Of China, Ocean University of China, Liaoning Normal University and Guangdong Ocean University are the top four prolific intuitions. At last, the journal which published the most of articles about marine economy is “Ocean Development and Management”, while “Economic Geography”, “China Population Resources and Environment” and “Resources Science” are the main core journals of marine economy research. The article showed a structure in the marine economy research from various angles, by which we hope to help for the learning of the status of marine economy research.

  • Orginal Article
    Jialing Zou, Weidong Liu
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2016, 36(11): 1629-1636.

    Since the proposition of “Belt and Road Initiative”, researches on trade between China and countries along the Initiative area have increased. However, it is relatively rare to study trade network taking China and those countries as a whole. In this article, we utilize a social network analysis method to analyze the characteristics, trade groups as well as core-periphery structure and its evolution of this trade network. Then we analyze the structure of sub trade network of China and the Southeast Asian countries. The results show that density of the trade network established by China and countries along “Belt and Road Initiative” areas has increased, coupled with growing number of core countries. Meanwhile, China’s core degree in this trade network has increased with China being the most important core country in 2013. What’s more, China becomes the core country in the sub trade network of China and the Southeast Asian countries as well. Based on this analysis, we propose that during the process of promoting “Belt and Road Initiative” construction, China should rely on policy communication to reduce trade barriers and improve trade facilitation with countries along the Initiative area. In particular, it should be set as the priority to facilitate trading conditions with core countries in the Initiative area trade network for further enhancing China’s core position in this network. What’s more, China should make good use of the advantage of being the core position in the network, play an active role of being the area core country and promote the construction and development of “Belt and Road Initiative”.

  • Ta Na, Zeng Yutian, Zhu Qiuyu, Wu Jiayu
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2020, 40(1): 60-68.

    Research on urban vitality has drawn more attention from different disciplines and perspectives such as urban geography, urban planning and urban government. Urban vitality is not only an important symbol of urban sustainable development, but also an important factor for cities to retain high-skilled talents, which could improve the competitiveness of the city. Studying urban vitality is conducive for us to re-understanding the city in a new perspective and improving urban human-oriented planning and management for the government, especially for some megacities and international cities which contain a large population. Urban vitality, consisting of economic vitality, social vitality and cultural vitality, reflects the level of urban development capacity and quality of life, which is also closely related to the citizens. In order to discover the urban vitality in Shanghai, this paper uses multi-source data, including dianping’s data which counts the number of businesses in the studying area to reflect the economic vitality, urban taxi arrival data in one week to reflect the social vitality and cultural facilities data in the studying area to reflect cultural vitality, to measure urban vitality from two scale: both block and sub-district level. Based on this comprehensive measurement, this article intends to analyze the spatial outcome characteristics of urban vitality in different blocks and sub-districts. This article also establishes a regression models for analyzing the impact mechanism of urban built environment which consists of multiple elements on urban vitality. It is found that the urban vitality of Shanghai is higher in the central area, decreasing from the central area to the surrounding area in the city. In the meanwhile, the value of urban vitality in Puxi area is higher than Pudong area, which means the daily activities and communication in Puxi area are more dynamic than these in Pudong area. Apart from differences between Puxi and Pudong areas, there are also distinctions regarding to the factors of built environments effecting the urban vitality between block level and street level. On the block level, it is found that the built environments effect significantly to different types of urban vitality and the comprehensive vitality. What’s more, for each vitality, the effect shows in different ways. Specifically, the increase of population density will influence the urban vitality by firstly in an active way then in a passive one. Especially for social and cultural vitality, the high density of population is not beneficial. For the facilities, increase of POI density and road network density presenting completeness and POI mixing degree presenting the variety of land use will promote all kinds of the vitality and comprehensive vitality. In the respect of the design, the increase of average building layers and building density will reduce the social vitality and cultural vitality, but will enhance the economic vitality and comprehensive vitality of the block at the same time. And in terms of the access to public transportation, the distance to the nearest bus station will increase the economic vitality of the block. According to the discoveries about the spatial pattern and the effecting factors of urban vitality, this article proves improving the built environment is meaningful to the development of urban.

  • ZHANG Yao-guang, HAN Zeng-lin, AN Xiao-peng
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2000, (6): 494-502.
    According to the concernings of China regime of territorial sea," the china exclusive economic zone and continental sheef law"and the United Nations convention on the Law of the Sea,this papers tudyres the delimit ation of the cuslodial scope of maritime space between China and other marine neighbouring countries,so as to defend the marine rights and interests of our country.This paper expounds the positions of the maritime rights and interests of china and neighbouring countries overally,the problems facing with the delimitation of China and marine heighbouring countriess the present trend of sea areas between countries and the principles of delimitation of our country's sea area; points out eact the essence of controversy of maritime rights and interests is for enlarging managerable maritime space, scrambling maritime resources; proposes our country's view of solving the controversy through shelving controversy and joint exploitation.
  • Orginal Article
    Huishi Du, Shuang Zhang, Zhiwen Chen
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2017, 37(3): 400-405.

    This article takes the riparian dune of the Quanhe River Basin as the research object which is in trans-boundary area of Tumen River downstream. Based on remote sensing and GIS technology combined with data of remote sensing images and relief map in this area during 1984 to 2015, the spatial distribution and pattern change of riparian dune were analyzed, fractal dimension value and stability index of riparian dune calculated and the formation mechanism and development mode of riparian dune discussed. The results show that the riparian dune of study area is distributed in right coast of the river mainly. The main aeolian landform type include parabolic dunes, barchan dunes and longitudinal dunes, covering an area of about 15.71 km2 and extending as a strip in WNW-ESE direction. On the whole, the aeolian sand landform area of A region is 7.06 km2, and the landform type is mainly composed of fixed parabolic dune. The area of aeolian sand landform in B is 8.65 km2, which is dominated by barchan chain. In resent 31 years, the area of sand dunes in the study area slightly decreased on the whole with a net decrease of 0.09 km2. Besides, the A region that is far away from human activities continued to decrease with a range of 8.21% by now. There appears a trend of continuous reduction during the period of 1984 to 2010 with a decrease of 0.67 km2 with the main performance being the fixed dunes because the vegetation was fixed with an increasing trend during the period of 2010 to 2015. The riparian dune of study area moves toward ESE-SE on the whole which is consistent with the main regional wind direction. The longitudinal section line of parabolic dune in A region extends as a strip in WNW-ESE direction; riparian dune appears as a forward migration in a way that spreads as the tongue shape at the leading edge, with an annual average moving rate of 1.8 m. The B region which is affected by human activities has a significant continuous increasing trend, and the increasing extent reached up to 32% in resent 5 years. It increased by 31% compared with the same period in A region, which also shows that the intensity of human activities greatly influence the development of sand dunes under the background of the same climatic change. The fractal dimension value of riparian dune is higher than that of desert dunes of inland area on the whole. However, there are no significant changes, which shows that riparian dune was in a relatively steady development and evolution process. The research provides scientific basis for sustainable development of ecological environment in trans-boundary area of Tumen River downstream.

  • SONG Wei, YANG Ka
    SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA. 2006, 26(6): 649-657.
    Air transportation is one of the world’s most important industries. Its development and its technical and service achievements make it one of the greatest contributors to the advancement of modern society. It plays an increasingly vital role in facilitating economic growth, particularly in developing countries and regions. Better understanding the nature of air transportation system and the role that air transport and airports play in an urban agglomeration is critical because the 'accessibility through airports’ issue has assumed an elevating role in answering the 'how’ and 'where’ of the geography of economic activity in the modern economy. This paper focuses on the economics of airports. It examines advantages enjoyed by passengers having access to a major airport, as well as the economic benefits that accrue to a city or geographical region that is host to a major airport, especially a hub airport. In particular, it looks into the linkages between airport-related activities and local economic development. By facilitating the flow of people and commerce, air transports and airports play a pivotal role in the industrial expansion and economic growth, both through their own activities and as an enabler of other industries. Airports essentially have four potential types of impact on the regional economy. The primary and secondary effects of airports are fulfilled through: 1) employment and income generated by airports and supporting activities, 2) employment and income generated by air passengers who make expenditures on travel-related services in local areas, and 3) induced economic activities as a consequence of the successive rounds of spending made by the recipients of the first two types of activities. These benefits can be extremely important to a local economy in terms of employment, household income and, for local government, taxation revenue. The tertiary effects of airports stemed from the economic stimulus benefiting a local or regional economy as firms and individuals, particularly high-technology companies, are attracted to the locale due to the fact that majors of airport and high-quality air transport are available. High-technology jobs and other administrative and auxiliary-related jobs have grown considerably in the region of major airport activities. By initially attracting key businesses to an area in sufficient numbers, airport development can lead to the crossing of important thresholds in terms of economies of scale, scope and density, through which a region can acquire a vital knowledge base to foster local development and make the region quasi-independent of others. The regional economy can feed on this to further its high-technology activities and hence to accelerate its growth (perpetuity effects).