Based on Landsat-7 ETM+ images in 2000, relief maps, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and other related data, this research investigated the channel characteristics of the upper and middle Heilongjiang River, from the channel plane configuration and longitudinal profile morphology, to discuss how river dynamics, natural environmental conditions and human activities influenced the Heilongjiang channel characteristics.Methods used in the study included remote sensing technique and GIS spatial statistical analysis.The result indicates that the mean sinuosity over the upper and middle Heilongjiang River is 1.20, and the whole river is relative stable, though in partial reaches the channel plane configuration is complicated.The longitudinal profile of the upper and middle Heilongjiang River is concave.The channel characteristics follow the river dynamic character and it is the result of the interaction of water and river bed which is influenced by natural environmental conditions and human activities.Integrating RS and GIS technologies is an effective way to identify the channel characteristics and further research should be made in combination of multi-temporal RS images, hydrological data and other measured data to reveal the evolvement of Heilongjiang River.
ZHANG Shu-wen, CAI Hong-yan, KUANG Wen-hui, ZHANG Xin-le, ZHANG Yang-zhen, LÜ yan
. Channel Characteristics of Upper and Middle Heilongjiang River Based on RS[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2009
, 29(6)
: 846
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2009.06.846
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