Taking the six sections’ water quality monitoring data of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in Wuxi and SPOT-5 orthophoto images in July 2003 as the data source, this paper analyses the response relationship between land-use area proportion and the transit water quality. The result shows that the spatial change of the buffer distance which takes the monitoring section as center responds to the five water quality monitoring indexes. The canal water quality pollution is mainly affected by land use structure which is close to the river. So the agricultural effluent, commercial and industrial wastewater and effluent from large area of bare land which is made by living rubbish and construction refuse is an important reason to make the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal water quality worse.
XIA Rui, LI Yun-mei, WANG Qiao, XU En-hui, JIN Xin, WANG Yan-fei
. Response Relationship Between Land-use and Transit Water Quality in Wuxi City Based on Remote Sensing[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2010
, 30(1)
: 129
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2010.01.129
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