Pipeline construction, as a linear project may result in significant effects on the structure and function of regional ecosystem, however a systematic and effective method to quantitatively evaluate this kind of effects is unavailable until today. In this paper, the Dianshi-Zhumadian branch line of the West-to-East Pipeline Project (WEPP)was chosen as a study area, the landscape pattern change along the pipeline was compared before and after construction based on Landsat TM and ETM+ (2002, 2003)images by using landscape metrics. The results shows that oil pipeline construction activity becomes the direct factor affecting land use changes in the area near the oil pipeline, the construction areas increase by occupying farmland, woodland and grassland, and the influence extent of the construction has an inflection point at the 1500-3000 m buffer zone. The connectivity index (COHESION)is more sensitive to impact of the pipeline construction. Paired T test indicates that no significant difference is found on the landscape indices at patch scale, and the landscape pattern change at 0-300 m buffer zone has a similar trend to the other buffers. At the landscape level, it is difficult to determine whether the construction project have produced effects on the landscape pattern changes alone the project. Based on our study, the method by comparing the significance of the difference between landscape indices both in spatial and temporal scales is useful and effective for quantitative evaluation on the environmental impacts, and it can be used to distinguish the effects of projects from the other sources when the environmental impact assessment is conducted in pipeline project construction. However, it is important to note that the response feature of landscape indices to the impact of pipeline project is different at the patch level and landscape level.
CHEN Li-ding, WANG Ji-ping, JIANG Chang-liang, ZHANG Hai-ping
. Quantitative Study on Effect of Linear Project Construction on Landscape Pattern along Pipeline[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2010
, 30(2)
: 161
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2010.02.161
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