Based on the theory of the factors and mode of urban building renewal, urban renewal pattern, the intrinsic relationship and interaction between building renewal and urban renewal, and Chinese urban renewal characteristic have been studied.Then, using both acreage proportion index of building occupying land and building renewal index(BRI), a case of Lanzhou froming its districts and building different use has been done with the data based on the high precision Satellite Image and massive fieldwork methods which last more than six months and data of GIS technology and mathematic statistics last about eighteen months.The conclusions below have been reached.Firstly, urban renewal gives rise to building renewal consequentially, and building renewal at certain spatial scale can bring urban renewal.There are two patterns which are slowly building renewal scattering in space (gradually renewal model) and fast renewal of architecture colony wholly (sudden change model), which is related to redevelopment of old town and the villages falling into the built-up area, a large scale land use change, the building becoming older on the large scale land, the great dwellers’change of demand structure and urban planning and management, urban rebuilding after disaster, and the main urban renewal mode of Chinese cities.Secondly, the buildings with different use everywhere have been renewed at the same time and the building renewal’s distribution is unbalance in Lanzhou, which adopted the rebuilding mode that means sudden change model of urban renewal makes Lanzhou form new landscape and architecture culture system slowly but its old ones vanish suddenly.Lastly, the process of urban renewal of Lanzhou is obviously related to such factors as urban total population, economic base, demand structure, land price change and spacial function adjustment, redevelopment of old town, the villages falling into the built-up area, the construction of new open area, large scale urban infrastructure, lower quantity of building designing and construction, and so on.Thirdly, the urban renewal of Lanzhou based on architecture character has such characteristics: first of all, the renewal mainly adopts the mode of fast renewal of architecture colony wholly; secondly, as a reason of the renewal speed difference, the architecture style of the resident or business area in the old urban area, for example, renovates the fastest and the old industry area renovates the slowst; thirdly, the new development area such as High-tech Development Area renovates fast; fourthly, the newly built streets and the area along the Huanghe River revonate fast; fifthly, the area which the commercial estates concentrate renovates fast; sixthly, the area which has monoply industries and those well-benefited firms renovates fast, while the area which located those poorly benefited firms renovates the slowest; and the last, the renewal speed fluctuates evidently, although the speed decreases from the urban center to the outer place as a whole.
YANG Yong-chun, Zhang Li-qian, Li Zhi-yong, Wu Jun-Hui
. Chinese Cities’Renewal Based on Urban Building—A Case Study of Lanzhou[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2009
, 29(1)
: 36
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2009.01.36
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