
Geographical Research on Producer Services Trade

  • Institute of Hong Kong, Macao & SEZs Economy, Jinan University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510632

Received date: 2007-12-18

  Revised date: 2008-04-16

  Online published: 2009-01-20


The producer services trade is a kind of spatial interaction of non-physical factor.No matter cross border or just cross city, the essential of the trade is a flow of producer services between the regions, which can also be regarded as spatial diffusion of the services.The paper takes the geographical view to research on the producer services trade, which is more focused by the international trade at present, and put forward the flow system of producer services as the core of the research.And the configuration, the connotation of the flow system, and the research content from the geographical view of each composition are illustrated.From the geographical view, the study of producer services trade should aim at the flow process of the producer service from the exportation city to the market city.Based on the analysis on the geographical definition of producer services trade and the review of the studies on the producer services trade in the Western and domestic geography, the paper puts forward a term named flow system of producer services trade.Because of the diverse character of each industry in the producer services, the way of services flow can be different.The purpose of the paper is to establish an analysis framework for the producer services trade, so the detail difference of the flow will not affect the study.There are four connotation of the flow system.Firstly, there are three components included in the system, which are the exportation city of services, the market city, and the medium circulating system.Secondly, the flow of the trade is not only the diffusion of producer services, but also the diffusion of production capability.Thirdly, the flow is a bidirectional process, which includes the reception and exportation of the services.Fourthly, the exportation city and the market city can both export and import the services.As to the contents of the system that the geographers may concern are illustrated, which includes the direction, carrier and way of the flow, the flux, the effect of the flow, the relation between the exportation city and the market city, the character of these two kinds of cities, and the factors affect the flow, etc.The research on producer services geography is in the initial stage, dropping behind the research on the industry geography.To study the producer services from the geographical view can not only improve the services geography, but also make the urban geography and economic geography more substantial.And the approach to study on the non-physical factor can be consulted in other research such as capital flow or technique flow.

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ZHONG Yun . Geographical Research on Producer Services Trade[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2009 , 29(1) : 42 -49 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2009.01.42


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