Building upon the theory of behavioural geography and economy, by quantitative analysis on the firsthand information of the peasants in the suburb of Guangzhou, this paper researches the external and individual factors influencing the migration desire of peasants in the suburb.As a result, this paper presents a migration desire model of peasants in the suburbs during process of urbanization.According to the model, the external factors influencing the peasants’ migration to the urban include the income gap between cities and countries, working opportunities, the better educational, medical condition in the cities, the higher living cost and working risk in the cities, housing and collective welfare in the countries, rural living environment, the system of registered permanent residence, the social security system and farmland system and so on.Among the individual factors, the household collective melon-cutting, age, school children and family types are the main factors.As a whole, in market economy condition, the behavior of migration decision-making of peasants is rational, the willing of peasants to migrate or not lies on whether they could gain the maximal anticipative income or not, that rest with the integrative effect of the external and individual factors.
. Migration Desire Model of Peasants in Suburb during Process of Urbanization—a Case Study of Guangzhou City[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2009
, 29(1)
: 50
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2009.01.50
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