With a share of the 13.4% of the land area, China's coastal areas create 60% of the GNP and provide 41% of the jobs for whole country. It can be said that the coastal areas’ economic development have made great contribution to the national economy. But with the rapid economic development, the negative effects on the environment and resources are also increasingly apparent: about 70% of the nation's coastal cities in short of water resources, about 60% of the cities experience varying degrees of electricity shortfall, the marine environment pollution is serious and red tide and other disasters occur from time to time. Liaoning coastal areas (Dalian, Dandong, Yingkou, Panjin, Jinzhou, Huludao) have shortage of freshwater resources, electricity and other energy shortages in varying degrees. Inshore fisheries resources decrease progressively. Jinzhou, Yingkou and other places have no fish flood for years, and they had only a small number of Jellyfish production. Within the scope of Liaoning Province, Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea’s environmental quality also have deterioration with varying degrees, and the Bohai Sea’s pollution has drawn the close attention of the whole society. In addition, there are many industries layout in coastal areas of Liaoning, such as petrochemicals, shipbuilding, coal, cement, salt,chemical industries and so on. These industries are consuming large energy resources and making environmental pollution. Therefore, only through the development of recycle economy, the coastal areas can achieve economy, resources and the environment’s sustainable development. Scientific evaluation of the indicator system for recycle economic will, evaluate and monitor the state of economic development and degree which is an important part of recycle economy research and is also the basis for the region sustainable development. Based on Chinese recycle economy evaluation index system, applying AHP to evaluate the recycle economy development of the coastal areas of Liaoning, the evaluation is made in this article. The results showed that Dalian is the better region of recycle economic development; the recycle economies in Dandong and Huludao need to be strengthened; Yingkou, Panjin, Jinzhou are the most urgent areas to accelerate development. The focus and direction of recycle economy is to accelerate the park dimension and social dimension of economic development and build the eco-industrial parks and recycling-oriented society. Dalian should further reduce energy consumption, especially reduce water consumption, further vigorous development of seawater desalination industry and the direct use industry, increase the "reduction" efforts and further strengthen the use of recycled waste. Dandong should reduce energy consumption, enhance waste recycling and strengthen the economic development of the relevant infrastructure construction. Yingkou, Panjin, Jinzhou should comprehensively strengthen energy efficiency, waste recycling and renewable resources industries. Based on the existing industries we should develop high-tech industries, implement cleaner production, optimize the existing industrial structure. Huludao should enhance the overall development of recycle economy then combine the key industries with the "energy saving, emission reduction" efforts to improve energy output rate and reduce energy consumption, and reduce waste emissions.
HAN Zeng-lin, WANG Ze-yu
. Comprehensive Evaluation of Recycle Economy Development of Liaoning Coastal Areas[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2009
, 29(2)
: 147
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2009.02.147
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