In the paper, fourteen principles in geography are refined. The first two principles show how peoples do location decision-making: (1) peoples would face the location choices; (2) in selecting location, one person, he or she, is interested in not only a place but also the benefit from others connected with the place. The other seven principles are about spatial difference analysis: (3) size and scale principles; (4) spatial thermodynamic difference principles; (5) environmental effects of the earth rotation force, the Earth crust movement and the gravitation between the Earth, Sun and Moon, which come from outside of the Earth’ surface; (6) the effects of weathering, erosion, transport and deposition on the Earth’s surface; (7) Distance decay principles; (8) the perspective from space, location and region for the establishment and development of places; (9) causality between the spatial differences and migration, interregional trade. The above seven principles embrace the aspects from natural and social forces, as well as spatial effects. There are two principles related to the relationships between men and their environment: (10) human competition in space; (11) mosaics, dependence, interaction and interdependence relationships existing in the Earth’s surface. The twelfth principle lays a foundation of geographical analysis methods: (12) spatial critical point principle. The last two principles sum up the bases of policy-making for the use and conservation of the Earth: (13) externality principles of human activity on the Earth’s surface; (14) peoples face how to balance their interregional benefit in resources developing and environmental conservation on the Earth. Although the intention of writing the paper is for teaching, the author considers that the principles may have some meanings for geographic research, including setting up more common academic language and integration between human and physical geography.
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