
Exploring General Research Method of Theoretical Geography with Three Steps

  • College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, 100871

Received date: 2008-06-19

  Revised date: 2008-10-14

  Online published: 2009-05-20


There used to be two obstacles for progress of geography. One is that it is hard to be mathematically modeled in an efficient way because of nonlinearity of geographical processes and regularity of geographical phenomena, the other is that it is impossible to perform controlled experiments on geographical systems because of irreversibility and uncontrollability of geographical evolvements. Fortunately, as the development of the postmodern mathematics of fractals and chaos and others, certain geographical systems can be modeled with the aid of mathematical equations today. As the development of cellular automata (CA) model, geographical information system (GIS) based computer simulation can be employed to make geographical analysis as an experiment approach to revealing causalities (cause and effect). In this case, a new study procedure termed "three-step method" for theoretical geographical research is propounded as follows. Step 1: building mathematical models empirically based on observational data and estimating the values of parameters. Step 2: constructing theoretical equation based on certain postulates. The solution to the theoretical equation should be found in some way, and the solution must be identical in form and structure to the empirical model made in the first step. Or else repeat step 2 by giving new postulates and new theoretical model until the solution is satisfying. Step 3: carrying out experiments of computer simulation upon the studied object based on the postulates raised in the second steps. The result of simulation should be identical in pattern or structure to the observed phenomena in the first step.The first step relates to the quantification of geographical research, the second step to the theorization of geographic discipline, and the third step to the demonstration and experimentation of geography. The method used in the first step is mature at the present time. Building of empirical models with mathematical theory has been developing since the well-known "quantitative revolution" of geography from the 1950s to the 1970s. Of course, "the purpose of models is not to fit the data, but to sharpen the questions." The means employed in the third step is rapidly developed in recent years and in its full flourish now. Simulation of a geographical system may be very helpful practically, but geo-simulation doesn’t help us conceptually, in understanding the rules of behavior at the higher level. Comparatively speaking, the process utilized in the second step is still a difficult problem to be solved despite the fact that the theorization of geography began long ago. The three-step method is proposed for the purpose of theoretical exploration of geography, but it can be extended to the domain of applied geography. In application research, the second step can be simplified dramatically by giving up mathematical derivation. However, the third step will be more difficult when it is designed for use in practice, as the simulation device should be drastically altered before it becomes even vaguely realistic representations of geographical systems.

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Chen Yan-Guang . Exploring General Research Method of Theoretical Geography with Three Steps[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2009 , 29(3) : 316 -322 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2009.03.316


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