The present topography and high elevation of the NW-SE-trending Tianshan Mountains are the direct result of north-south convergence driven by the India-Asia collision during the Cenozoic times. Based on SRTM3-DEM data, we analyze the geomorphic character of the northern Tianshan Mountains and the implications using GIS analysis including Hypsometric Integral, Average Elevation, Summit Level Elevation, Local Relief and Swath Profile. Hypsometric Integral (HI), after the method of Pike and Wilson (1971), is used to analyze tectonism of the northern Tianshan Mountains. The S-shaped Hypsometric curve significantly suggests the currently active tectonism and the mature period of geomorphic evolution in the northern Tianshan Mountains. We argue that, according to GIS analysis, 3 planation surfaces with different elevation have been developed within the northern Tianshan Mountains, and these three planation surfaces display the distinguished geomorphic character due to different erosion controlled by elevation, tecnonism and lithology.
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