Based on GIS technique, soil database and spatial distribution patterns of soil organic carbon density of Anhui was established. The relationships between the soil organic carbon density and land use, soil type, terrain factors were investigated. The results showed that the range of soil organic carbon density is between 0.92 kg/m2 and 40.97 kg/m2 in 0-100 cm profile depth, average 10.39 kg/m2. The range of soil organic carbon density was mainly between 3 kg/m2 and 19 kg/m2, which accounts for 89.72% of the total area. The maximum value of soil organic carbon density is in mountain meadow soil and the minimum is in fluvo-aquic soil, yellow cinnamon soil and lithosol in different soil types. The maximum is in forestland, minimum is in the farmland in different land uses; soil organic carbon density had the high correlation with elevation. The mean soil organic carbon density gradually increased with slope and rainfall. Soil organic carbon density increased from north to south in Anhui Province.
CHENG Xian-fu, XIE Yong
. Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon Density in Anhui Province Based on GIS[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2009
, 29(4)
: 540
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2009.04.540
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