On the basis of high density sampling, granularity testing, heavy metal content testing and large-scale geochemistry map drawing of the surface sediments, we researched the content and distribution characteristics of heavy metals of surface sediment in the Laizhou shoal and its surrounding region. The results show that(1)controlled by the regional dynamic environment, the content of every heavy metal presents a notable saddle-shaped regional distribution pattern with a low content area with the strongest dynamic processes between two high content areas; (2) controlled by the two tidal residual current circles along the two sides of the shoal, every heavy metal of the sediment samples both in the area northeast to the shoal and the area southwest to the shoal presents a notable centripetal shaped regional distribution pattern with high values in center and low values around;(3) there is significant difference between the heavy metal content distribution and the regional dynamic sedimentation among different metals.
WANG Qing, LIU Ya-long, XU Qiang, SONG Chuan-guang, ZHONG Shao-yun, DU Guo-yun, JIN Bing-fu
. Relationship Between Heavy Metal Distribution of Surface Sediment and Regional Dynamic Sedimentation Pattern in Laizhou Shoal[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2009
, 29(4)
: 567
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2009.04.567
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