The quantitative research of forest ecological service is one of keys of evaluation of forest ecological service. The paper studies on the forest regulation temperature ecological service for different tree species and in different time by using TM data, field surveying data and the meteorological data in Shandong Province. The conclusions of this paper are followed: LST and NDVI are the negative correlation; that the better forest cover, the lower of LST; the temperature change amplitude of forest is less than that in farmlands and cities, forest functions more temperature control than farms; the temperature decrease function is different from various species and different time. Because the analysis condition was limited, actual function of the forest t regulation temperature was larger than the e result of the paper.
Feng Hai-xia, Zhu Ai-min, He Bi, Liu Han-hai
. Forest Regulating Temperature Study Based on Remote Sensing Technology[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2009
, 29(5)
: 760
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2009.05.760
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