
The Contributions of Academician Wu Chuanjun to Modern Agricultural Geography in China

  • Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101

Received date: 2007-12-14

  Revised date: 2007-12-24

  Online published: 2008-01-20


Academician Wu Chuanjun is a distinguished geographer as well as a geography educator in China. He was born in Suzhou city in April 2, 1918. In his more than 70 years of scientific research and education career, Academician Wu has opened up a series of important research fields in contemporary Chinese geography, and has made academic contributions for the development of China's geography, professional personnel training. Mr. Wu is hereby value of his ninetieth birthday, this paper briefly describes his outstanding contributions in terms of his work in modern agricultural geography for which we extend our sincere congratulations.Academician Wu keens on research in the field of agricultural geography more then half century; he is one of the main inaugurators of Chinese modern agricultural geography. His contributions of theory and practice in agricultural geography study are as the follows: take the lead in investigating agricultural resources, agricultural regionalization theories and methods; systematically study and synthesize the agricultural geography theory; reveal the different types and directions of regional agriculture and rural development under the recent process of the rapid urbanization and industrialization in China.

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LIU Yan-Sui . The Contributions of Academician Wu Chuanjun to Modern Agricultural Geography in China[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2008 , 28(1) : 1 -5 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2008.01.1


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