The Proposition to Avoid the Over Advance and Inappropriate Construction of China′s Transport Infrastructures
Received date: 2011-09-23
Request revised date: 2011-09-25
Online published: 2012-01-20
Since the reform and opening-up, especially the 21th century, China has achieved the great progress on the transport construction. However, since the end of 20th century, especially in recent years, several problems on the transport construction became worse. Based on the investigation and discussion in 2009-2010, we complete the consulting report The Proposition to Avoid the Redundancy and Inappropriate Construction of China′s Transport Infrastructures. The report is submitted to the Chinese central government on in September, 2010. In this report we assess the progress of China′s transport construction and developing level of the transport industry. It shows that China had constructed one integrated transport system whose ability, structure and spatial distribution can ensure the rapid development of China′s socio-economy. And we reveal the existing serious problems on the transport construction in recent years on the whole China, such as over expansion, over-duplicated construction, unreasonable competition, etc. Now, several transport modes had produced the excessive capacities. Those problems resulted mainly from that the transport planning could not consider completely the China′s national conditions, and its developing stage, tendency. Then, we propose that China′s transport construction should step gradually one new stage to optimize the transport structure, construct the integrated transport system, and develop the transport infrastructures in the backward regions. The construction scale of express way, seaport, and express railway should be studied and verified more scientifically and comprehensively. Furthermore, we should strengthen the comprehensive study of transport industry in the long term. When the report is submit to the government it is in the upsurge of transport construction especially express railway, we are confronted the enormous pressure. To read the authentic report for the reader, we make no revision on this report.
Key words: transport construction; over advance; consultation report
LU Da-dao . The Proposition to Avoid the Over Advance and Inappropriate Construction of China′s Transport Infrastructures[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2012 , 32(1) : 2 -10 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2012.01.2
Fig. 1 The investment of transport construction in China图1 中国历年交通运输投资规模 |
Fig. 2 Developing process of China′s express way图2 中国高速公路通车里程发展过程 |
Fig. 3 Spatial pattern of express way of each province`s planning图3 省级高速公路规划网空间格局 |
Fig. 4 The proportion of transport investment in GDP in China图4 中国交通投资占GDP比重发展过程 |
Fig. 5 The cargo throughput per unit port coast of Chinese major seaports图5 中国沿海主要港口单位岸线货物吞吐量 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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