Global warming and its impacts in the past two decades have gained much attention worldwide. Human may adjust their behaviors to response to such changes. In this paper, the west of Heilongjiang Province, one of the main grain producing areas which is sensible to climate change, is chosen as the research area to analyze the response of the grain crops’ structure to climate warming. RS technique is used as the main research method in this paper. Two temporal series of TM images are interpreted to generate the crop land use maps of the west of Heilongjiang Province in 1988 and 1998 respectively. Then, based on the ≥10℃ cumulative temperature data of the same period, we find the response of crop structure to climate warming is very evident in the west of Heilongjiang Province. Because the isothermal lines of cumulative temperature move northward, the planting boundary of rice extended northward for 1.5 degree with the 2 200℃ isothermal lines of the ≥10℃ cumulative temperature, and the region of dense rice-planting area extended northward for 1 degree with the 2 300-2 400℃ isothermal lines of the ≥10℃ cumulative temperature. In the same way, two planting regions of corn extended respectively with the 2 800℃ isothermal lines and the 2 400℃ isothermal lines of the ≥10℃ cumulative temperature for 1 degree northward. Furthermore, rice had the priority in the process of substitute above.
ZHU Xiao-Xi, FANG Xiu-Qi, WANG Yuan
. Responses of Corn and Rice Planting Area to Temperature Changes Based on RS in the West of Heilongjiang Province[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2008
, 28(1)
: 66
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2008.01.66
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