In this paper three tide gauge stations along the coast of northern part of Jiangsu Province were selected as the objects of study, which were located in the sustainable slowly settlement areas of Changjiang (Yangtze) River Delta. Fluctuation and trend of sea level change were analyzed in virtue of EMD and SSA methods comprehensively. The adjusted long-term trends were obtained through the sum of trends that extracted by EMD and long-term cycle components. Short-term wave cycles were gained from the rest components by means of SSA method and each station could be properly compared. Combined with the research findings of local ground rise or fall, the absolute sea level changes were discussed and prediction models were built according to the adjusted long-term trends. Based on the mentioned above, relative sea level changes in the coming one hundred years were calculated and compared with results of IPCC.
YU Zhao-Yuan, YUAN Lin-Wang, XIE Zhi-Ren
. Fluctuation Process and Trend Prediction of Sea Level Change along Jiangsu Coast Based on Multi-scale Analysis[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2008
, 28(1)
: 94
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2008.01.94
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