Literature geography is a newly arising branch in culture geography. It studies as well as analyses literature from regional and dimensional perspective. From the natural geography perspective and the human geography perspective, Shaanxi contemporary literature is investigated in the essay to explore the dimensional differentiation system in literature so as to set up the corresponding theory in literature geography. As far as literature dimensional differentiation is concerned, the differentiations in literature development and literature styles are of great significance. Shaanxi literature develops in an unbalanced way. In the regions where they enjoy geographical, economic and transportation convenience as well as more cultural communications, the literature development in these areas is comparatively higher. In a direct way, under the influence of natural sight, whether it being monotonous or complex,the style in writing will be modesty or gorgeous accordingly. In an indirect way, litterateurs are more affected by the unique regional economic types, living conditions, residents' customs and their folkway, which in return influence their writing styles. This is how the various styles and features are come into being. To be specific, the most developed literature lies in the central area of Shaanxi, which claims messiness and modesty in its literature style. The southern and northern Shaanxi are less developed in literature; however some developed areas are till exist. The north Shaanxi claims rugged and unconstrained in its literature style. The southern Shaanxi claims elegance and clearness in its literature style. This dimensional differentiation makes sharp regional difference in literature.
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