The present study analyzes the pollen distribution in Xinjiang Region. The results show clearly that pollen percentage localities are accordant with their dominant community of vegetation. Artemisia pollen has relative high percentage on the Kunlun Mountains, the Altay Mountains and around Junggar Basin. Chenopodiaceae pollen occur widely on the Altay Mountains, Junggar Basin, the Tianshan Mountains and the Kunlun Mountains. Ephedra and other shrub pollen occur highly around Tarim Basin. The distribution of tree pollen, such as Picea, Betula , is mainly on the Altay Mountains and the Tianshan Mountains. The results of cluster analysis can reflect the main ecology assembalges of plant communities in study area. The result of principal component analysis confirms that the distribution of steppe and shrub pollen are mainly controlled by hydrology and humidity factors in study area.
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