With economic development, a dam will be built on the Hadashan, which was on the downstream of the Second Songhua River. The total mercury contents in sediments, those in water and the different mercury contents in water of ten sample sites were investigated in order to discuss the impact of the dam on the mercury pollution of the reservoir which would form after the dam was finished. It showed that the suspend particles would deposit resulted from the hydrological conditions changed, which led to the rise of total mercury contents in the reservoir formed by the dam. In the reservoir, the mercury would be sunk. Total mercury contents in water of the drainage site of the reservoir would reduce to 0.032μg/L. The reservoir would be imported in 4.37 kg mercury in the processed particles and 856.8kg mercury in the suspend particles every year. About 1.23cm depth of sediment would be formed by the bedload transported by water in the bottom of the reservoir. The total mercury of re-suspend particles in the upstream of the reservoir and the released mercury in the submerge area have no significantly impact on the mercury pollution of the reservoir.
ZHANG Zhong-Sheng, WANG Qi-Chao, SHAO Zhi-Guo, ZHANG Lei, ZHANG Xiu-Wu
. Impacts of Hadashan Water Control Projects on Mercury Pollution of Lower Reaches of Second Songhua River[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2008
, 28(2)
: 291
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2008.02.291
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