A typical lake sediment core from Chaohu Lake was chosen for this study. The vertical distribution of magnetic susceptibility and grain size in the sediments was determined. Based on the analyses of magnetic susceptibility and grain size of the core samples from Chaohu Lake, the paper has probed into the characteristics and environmental significance of magnetic susceptibility and grain size. The results show that from 490 cm to 117 cm, the curves of magnetic susceptibility are stable on the whole, which dropped slightly; from 117cm to top, the increased human activity makes magnetic susceptibility increasing obviously. The magnetic susceptibility is positive proportional to the contents of fine sand, and reversal proportional to the contents of coarse sand and organic materials. By means of magnetic susceptibility and grain size analyses, combined with pollen and the background of global climate change, regional palaeoclimatic changes were divided into six periods since 9870 cal yr B.P.: (1) mild and moderately dry period of 9870-7000 cal yr B.P.; (2) warm and humid period of 7000-4745 cal yr B.P.; (3) warm and dry period of 4745-2170 cal yr B.P.; (4) mild and humid period of 2170-1040 cal yr B.P., and during which climate fluctuated acutely; (5) cool and moderately humid period of 1040-200 cal yr B.P., climate fluctuate gently; (6) mild and humid period of 200 cal yr B.P. to nowadays.
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