Analysis and forecast on the spatial distribution and dynamics of soil properties is an important element of sustainable land management. Topography and land use are key factors which affect soil properties variability on catchment scale in the loess hilly area. Correlation analyses were carried out between soil properties (include bulk density(BD), soil organic matter (SOM) and total phosphorus (TP)) and terrain attributes. Finally, terrain attributes and land use types were used to predict spatial distribution of soil properties by multiple-linear regression analysis and regression-Kriging, based on data from 111 points in Zhujiagou catchment; Hengshan County of Shaanxi Province. Results indicated that there is a positive correlation between bulk density and compound topographic index (CTI); and a negative correlation between SOM and compound topographic index (CTI), stream power index(SPI) and sediment transport index (STI); and a significant negative correlation was found between TP and slope(β). The correlations between these terrain attributes and soil properties reflected to some degree that soil develops in response to the way water flows through and over the landscape. The regression model for BD had the highest R2 value, followed by SOM and TP. The regression model was precise for the BD, but the variation is rather large and there was a high smoothing effect on the predicted values. For TP, the predicted result is very poor. Such techniques may be applied as a frist step in unmapped areas to guide soil sampling and model development. In order to explain the variations better, combined step-wise regression and residuals interpolated using Kriging was conducted. The results showed that regression-Kriging improved accuracy of prediction.
LIAN Gang, GUO Xu-Dong, FU Bo-Jie, HU Chen-Xia
. Spatial distribution of Soil Properties in a Small Catchment of the Loess Plateau Based on Environmental Correlation[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2008
, 28(4)
: 554
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2008.04.554
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