The boundary and assessment of tourism environmental carrying capacity can provide evidences for the proper exploitation of ecotourism. This paper appends tourism environmental carrying capacity to the compound system of resources-environment socio-economy, and defines it with its composition system analyzed. The three dimension assessment index systems are constructed and weight analysis is carried out by principal component analysis according to the outcome of the marks given by tourism experts. Taking coastal wetland of Jiangsu as an example, the paper appraises its ecotourism environmental carrying capacity by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, and gets proper results which indicate that this assessment index system is scientific, general and operable.
HUANG Zhen-Fang, YUAN Lin-Wang, GE Jun-Lian, GU Qiu-Shi
. Tourism Environmental Carrying Capacity and its Assessment Research -A Case Study of Ecotourism in Coastal Wetland of Jiangsu[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2008
, 28(4)
: 578
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2008.04.578
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