As a case study of the land use types of Zhujiang (Pearl River) Delta, they were based on such data sources as LANDSAT/TM. This paper showed that the value of fractal dimension (D) can be used to effectively characterize the degree of spatial occupation, stability of patch types and change tendency of land use. The results indicated that the values of D of land use types were less than 1.50. With the increase of the value of D, the stable degree of the structure and the spatial occupation degree was decreased and increased respectively. Moreover, the D change of certain land use type reflected the change tendency of this type in different periods from 2000 to 2002. When the D of certain land use type increased, its area also increased; conversely, its area decreased. This paper indicates that D and its change have been effective indices towards the researches of the structures of land use types in Zhujiang (Pearl River) Delta.
LIU Xiao-hui, LU Xian-guo, DONG Gui-hua
. Application of Fractal Dimension Model for Land Use Study[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2008
, 28(6)
: 765
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2008.06.765
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