Geographic Type Identification of Valley Economy:A Case of Mentougou District in Beijing, China
Received date: 2011-02-25
Request revised date: 2011-10-18
Online published: 2012-01-20
Geographic types are relative stability region units, which are formed in the certain geographical environment and a long history process, and composed by many special areas or units that have similar features in development conditions, production structure, development characteristics, development direction, and etc. The valley economy, as a new model of mountain development, is playing a more and more important role in gathering and effective linking in the mountainous traffic, villages, population and resources, which meets the requirements of mountainous space optimization development. By now, there are a little of achievements in the study of valley economy′s geographic type. From the perspective of Geography, valley economy′s geographic type identification has a great theory significance and practical value, which can provide some references for mountainous areas′ development. Mentougou, in the west of Beijing, is situated in the transitional mountainous areas of Mongolian plateau and North China plain, the intersection of platform anteclise in Shanxi Provinceand Yanshan fold belt. The mountainous areas occupy 98.5% of the study area, approximately 300 valleys here, thus it can be regarded as the pure mountainous area in Beijing. Mentougou possess the typical characteristics of valley economy development. Taking villages in Mentougou as the basic units, combined with dates from field research and village-level statistics, valley economy materials of 18 typical valleys in Mentougou district are gained. Based on the division of valley economy geographical zone, this paper identified its geographic type, and probed the spatial structure of different valley economy geographic types. According to the identification model, based on entropy weight theory and AHP method, combined with field research dates, expert advices and village-level statistical materials, this study obtained that, valley average elevation is the dominant factor to identificate valley economy geographic type. In geographic type, combined with analysis on the topographic profile, the Mentougou valley economy can be divided into piedmont type (≤400 m), shallow mountain type (≤600 m), appro-alpine type (≤1000 m) and far-alpine type (>1000 m). In spatial structure, the 4 valley economy geographic types have their own features: piedmont type valley possesses a network spatial structure (piedmont network type), shallow mountain type valley possesses a point-axis type spatial structure (shallow mountain point-axis type), appro-alpine type valley possesses a base type spatial structure (appro-alpine base type), and far-alpine type valley possesses a relative balanced type spatial structure (far-alpine relative balanced type).
Key words: valley economy; geographic type; Mentougou district
LIU Chun-la , ZHANG Yi-feng , XU Mei , LIU Pei-lin . Geographic Type Identification of Valley Economy:A Case of Mentougou District in Beijing, China[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2012 , 32(1) : 39 -46 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2012.01.39
Fig. 1 Spatial distribution of typical valley economy zones in Mentougou图1 门头沟区典型沟域经济带的空间分布 |
Table 1 Identification index of geographical type of valley economy表1 沟域经济地域类型识别指标体系 |
目标 | 一级指标 | 二级指标 | 计算方法 |
沟域经济地域类型识别 | 基本地理条件 | A1 沟域平均海拔(m) | ArcGIS的空间分析 |
A2 沟域平均坡度(°) | ArcGIS的空间分析 | ||
A3 沟域长度(km) | ArcGIS的空间分析 | ||
A4 沟域面积(km2) | ArcGIS的空间分析 | ||
社会经济条件 | B1 沟域距中心城镇的距离(km) | ArcGIS的空间分析 | |
B2 沟域人口密度(人/km2) | 沟域人口总数/沟域面积 | ||
B3 沟域交通通达度(km/km2) | (公路+铁路+航运总里程)/沟域面积 | ||
B4 沟域经济密度(元/km2) | 沟域经济年均总产值/沟域面积 | ||
B5 沟域第一产业所占比重(%) | (沟域第一产业从业人数/沟域总从业人数)*100% | ||
B6 沟域第二三产业所占比重(%) | (沟域第二产业从业人数+沟域第三产业从业人数)/沟域总从业人数*100% | ||
B7 沟域农民人均纯收入(元) | 《门头沟区统计年鉴》(2009)[23]及实地调研 | ||
生态环境条件 | C1 沟域土地开垦率(%) | 沟域耕地面积/沟域总面积*100% | |
C2 沟域林木覆盖率(%) | 沟域植被面积(有林地面积+大片灌木林面积+“四周”树与农田防护林带折算面积)/沟域总面积×100% | ||
C3 沟域水土流失状况(年均侵蚀模数) [t/(km2·a)] | 沟域多年土壤侵蚀量/沟域土地总面积/年数 | ||
C4 沟域水资源量(径流深度)(mm) | 沟域径流总量/沟域面积×1‰ |
Table 2 Identification index′s weight and ranking of geographical type of valley economy in Mentougou表2 门头沟区沟域经济地域类型识别指标体系的权重及重要性排序 |
排序 | 指标 | 客观权重 | 主观权重 | 复合权重 | 排序 | 指标 | 客观权重 | 主观权重 | 复合权重 |
1 | A1 | 0.075 | 0.101 | 0.111 | 9 | C1 | 0.060 | 0.065 | 0.058 |
2 | C3 | 0.086 | 0.084 | 0.107 | 10 | B4 | 0.057 | 0.059 | 0.049 |
3 | B1 | 0.073 | 0.085 | 0.092 | 11 | B6 | 0.065 | 0.047 | 0.045 |
4 | C2 | 0.085 | 0.072 | 0.091 | 12 | B7 | 0.047 | 0.062 | 0.043 |
5 | A2 | 0.068 | 0.078 | 0.079 | 13 | B5 | 0.064 | 0.044 | 0.042 |
6 | C4 | 0.072 | 0.069 | 0.073 | 14 | B3 | 0.072 | 0.037 | 0.039 |
7 | A3 | 0.063 | 0.074 | 0.069 | 15 | B2 | 0.052 | 0.045 | 0.035 |
8 | A4 | 0.059 | 0.078 | 0.068 |
Fig.2 Geographical zone division of valley economy in Mentougou图2 门头沟区沟域经济地域类型的划分 |
Fig.3 Spatial structure of far-alpine relative balanced type valley economy图3 远深山相对均衡型沟域经济空间结构示意 |
Fig.4 Spatial structure of appro-alpine mountain base type valley economy图4 近深山据点型沟域经济空间结构示意 |
Fig.5 Spatial structure of shallow mountain point-axis type valley economy图5 浅山点轴型沟域经济空间结构示意 |
Fig.6 Valley economy spatial structure of piedmont network type图6 山前网络型沟域经济空间结构示意 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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