Spatial Distribution of Population Migration in China in the 1990s
Received date: 2011-08-09
Request revised date: 2011-12-06
Online published: 2012-03-25
China is being at the stage of rapid urbanization. Based on the fifth census data, this paper analyzes the migration structure of China in different administrative and scale cities in the 1990s. The result shows that it is the prefecture cities that plays important role in the Chinese population migration in the 1990s, in which the big cities, especially the mega-cities, take a more significant position. It is also found that there are differences in the migration scale between county-level cities. The average migration scale of county-level city in East China is more than in West and Middle China. For the prefecture and above level cities is more important in the process of China′s urbanization at present and in the future, this article further examines the patial distribution pattern of inner-provincial and inter-provincial migration. It is showed that there are three ladder-like levels for prefecture cities in the spatial distribution pattern of inter-provincial migration: the first level includes the Zhujiang River Delta agglomeration, Changjiang River Delta city group, west bank cities, Beijing-Tianjin-Henan city agglomeration, the core cities of Liaodong Peninsula and a few of provincial capitals in middle-west area. The second level includes most of provincial capitals in middle-west area: Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration and other eastern cities which are close to Beijing-Tianjin-Henan area, Changjiang River and Zhujiang River. The third level includes other provincial cities of middle west area and other cities which are far away from the core cities of three metropolises in the eastern area. Besides, the circle structure is obvious in the southeast coastal area, while the peak structure is more evident in the mid-west area. With regard to the spatial distribution pattern of inner-provincial migration, it shows that there are great similarities among prefecture-level in population spatial distribution pattern. The first gathering cities are each provincial capital cities. The ESDA technology is used to study the spatial distribution features of migration in cities in China. The result shows strong concentration for spatial distribution. The Zhujiang River Delta agglomeration, Changjiang River Delta city group are the main gather cities in both of inner and inter provincial migration. Furthermore, the migration gathering city range in Zhujiang River Delta area is larger than the Changjiang River Delta. On the contrary, the cities with small migration scales are located in agricultural provinces such as Anhui, Henan, and Sichuan, etc .
WANG Guo-xia , QIN Zhi-qin , CHENG Li-lin . Spatial Distribution of Population Migration in China in the 1990s[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2012 , 32(3) : 273 -281 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2012.03.273
Table 1 Population migration scale in cities grouped by administrative division of China in 2000表1 2000年按行政区级别分组的建制城市迁移人口规模 |
行政区划级别 | 城市个数(个) | 迁移人口总量(万) | 占全国总迁移人口的比重(%) | 占全国城市迁移人口的比重(%) |
直辖市 | 4 | 775 | 9.84 | 11.74 |
副省级市 | 15 | 1622 | 20.60 | 24.56 |
地级市 | 244 | 2810 | 35.68 | 42.55 |
县级市 | 400 | 1397 | 17.74 | 21.15 |
合计 | 663 | 6604 | 83.86 | 100.00 |
注:数据来源为中国城市统计年鉴及普查资料。县级市的迁移人口包括整个县域的迁移人口。 |
Table 2 Migration scale of county-level cities with migrants above 105表2 总迁移人口10万人以上的县级市人口迁移规模 |
县(市) | 所属 省份 | 总迁移量 (人) | 省内迁移(人) | 省际迁移(人) |
南海市 | 广东 | 1093289 | 313402 | 779887 |
顺德市 | 广东 | 641060 | 132374 | 508686 |
晋江市 | 福建 | 524235 | 111509 | 412726 |
惠阳市 | 广东 | 372608 | 91924 | 280684 |
义乌市 | 浙江 | 282955 | 67763 | 215192 |
武进市 | 江苏 | 276480 | 109857 | 166623 |
乐清市 | 浙江 | 236312 | 43393 | 192919 |
慈溪市 | 浙江 | 235178 | 24766 | 210412 |
常熟市 | 江苏 | 216432 | 62085 | 154347 |
石狮市 | 福建 | 210103 | 63903 | 146200 |
温岭市 | 浙江 | 202857 | 22142 | 180715 |
江阴市 | 江苏 | 190580 | 65063 | 125517 |
瑞安市 | 浙江 | 184877 | 35115 | 149762 |
增城市 | 广东 | 182540 | 30614 | 151926 |
昆山市 | 江苏 | 164047 | 59080 | 104967 |
张家港市 | 江苏 | 135939 | 50912 | 85027 |
南安市 | 福建 | 133580 | 45713 | 87867 |
萧山市 | 浙江 | 133267 | 37267 | 96000 |
宜兴市 | 江苏 | 120845 | 32367 | 88478 |
新会市 | 广东 | 117857 | 22098 | 95759 |
阿克苏市 | 新疆 | 110035 | 12763 | 97272 |
石河子市 | 新疆 | 108693 | 9768 | 98925 |
注:数据来源为中国城市统计年鉴。 |
Table 3 Distribution of county-level cities in East, Middle and West China and the migration scale表3 中国三大地带县级市分布及人口迁移规模 |
地区 | 县级市数 (个) | 总迁移量 (万人) | 占比重 (%) | 平均规模 (人/县) |
东部 | 185 | 1007 | 72.05 | 54418 |
中部 | 142 | 194 | 13.89 | 13665 |
西部 | 73 | 196 | 14.06 | 26904 |
合计 | 400 | 1397 | 100.00 | 34929 |
注:数据来源为中国城市统计年鉴 |
Table 4 Population migration scale of cities grouped by population表4 2000年按市区人口规模分组的建制城市迁移人口规模 |
城市规模 | 城市 个数 | 迁移人口(万人) | 占全国城市总迁移人口的比重(%) |
500万人以上 | 9 | 2305 | 34.90 |
200~500万人 | 19 | 1035 | 15.67 |
100~200万人 | 69 | 1036 | 15.69 |
50~100万人 | 117 | 919 | 13.92 |
20~50万人 | 253 | 990 | 14.99 |
20万人以下 | 196 | 319 | 4.73 |
合计 | 663 | 6604 | 100 |
注:数据来源为中国城市统计年鉴。 |
Table 5 Population migration scale of above prefecture-level cities grouped by population表5 2000年地级及以上城市按人口规模分组的人口迁移规模 |
城市规模级 | 城市个数(个) | 省内迁移 (万人) | 省际迁移 (万人) | 总迁移 (万人) | 占城市总迁移人口比重(%) | 占全国迁移人口比重(%) |
500万人以上 | 9 | 635 | 1670 | 2305 | 44.27 | 29.28 |
200~500万人 | 19 | 599 | 435 | 1034 | 19.87 | 13.14 |
100~200万人 | 66 | 537 | 322 | 859 | 16.49 | 10.90 |
50~100万人 | 105 | 489 | 283 | 772 | 14.83 | 9.81 |
20~50万人 | 61 | 164 | 66 | 230 | 4.42 | 2.92 |
20万人以下 | 3 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 0.13 | 0.08 |
合计 | 263 | 2429 | 2778 | 5207 | 100.00 | 66.14 |
注:数据来源:第五次人口普查资料。 |
Fig. 1 Inter-provincial migration scale of prefecture-level cities图1 地级及以上城市省际迁移人口规模 |
Fig.2 Inner-provincial migration scale of prefecture-level cities图2 地级及以上城市省内迁移人口规模 |
Table 6 Migration scale and rank of capital cities表6 省会城市省内迁移规模及其在本省、全国的位序 |
城市名 | 省内迁移人口 规模(人) | 在全国城市 中的位序 | 在本省 位序 | 占全省省内 迁移比重(%) | 城市名 | 省内迁移人口 规模(人) | 在全国城市 中的位序 | 在本省 位序 | 占全省省内迁移比重(%) |
北京 | 81874 | 62 | - | 58.36 | 武汉 | 734565 | 6 | 1 | 45.09 |
天津 | 51523 | 94 | - | 92.19 | 长沙 | 375066 | 9 | 1 | 26.39 |
上海 | 1173531 | 2 | - | 95.79 | 广州 | 1120727 | 3 | 2 | 18.71 |
重庆 | 365116 | 13 | - | 75.83 | 海口 | 127258 | 45 | 1 | 46.73 |
石家庄 | 206820 | 29 | 1 | 17.22 | 成都 | 868884 | 4 | 1 | 39.28 |
太原 | 185132 | 33 | 1 | 23.37 | 贵阳 | 365753 | 11 | 1 | 43.31 |
沈阳 | 247971 | 22 | 1 | 19.66 | 昆明 | 447484 | 7 | 1 | 33.20 |
长春 | 219345 | 27 | 1 | 34.51 | 西安 | 234608 | 24 | 1 | 38.15 |
哈尔滨 | 319750 | 17 | 1 | 22.72 | 兰州 | 197524 | 31 | 1 | 40.42 |
南京 | 344429 | 15 | 1 | 13.94 | 西宁 | 70193 | 73 | 1 | 38.14 |
杭州 | 370816 | 10 | 1 | 21.34 | 呼和浩特 | 280520 | 19 | 1 | 22.89 |
合肥 | 272597 | 20 | 1 | 28.59 | 南宁 | 352259 | 14 | 1 | 24.89 |
福州 | 365384 | 12 | 1 | 21.99 | 拉萨 | 25938 | 169 | 1 | 58.29 |
南昌 | 223534 | 26 | 1 | 29.59 | 银川 | 81832 | 63 | 1 | 46.89 |
济南 | 192989 | 32 | 2 | 11.67 | 乌鲁木齐 | 152024 | 39 | 1 | 30.05 |
郑州 | 405778 | 8 | 1 | 26.42 |
注:数据来源:第五次人口普查资料。 |
Fig. 3 Moran significance map for inter-provincial migration of prefecture-level cities in China图3 地级及以上城市省际人口迁移的Moran 显著性 |
Fig. 4 Moran significance map for inner-provincial migration of prefecture-level cities in China图4 中国地级及以上城市省内人口迁移的Moran 显著性 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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国务院人口普查办公室,国家统计局人口统计司. 2000年人口普查分县资料[M].北京:中国统计出版社,2003.
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