The Geographic Tiers of World Financial System

  • College of Urban and Environmental Science, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin 130024, China

Received date: 2011-01-15

  Revised date: 2011-09-28

  Online published: 1997-12-20


Financial Globalization is integrating the world financial system,however,the territorial differentiation of the world financial system is still very obvious.From the economic geography perspective,the world financial system presents the feature of tiers.This article has proved the existence of the tiers of world financial system by theoretical analysis and quantitative methods application.The world financial system is divided into four tiers through quantitative analysis and the features of each tier are pointed out.The countries and regions of the first tier have highly developed and extremely active financial systems.In the second tier,the financial system is comparatively sound and closely related to the real economy.Thus individuals and enterprises in the second tier are able to access to the financial services easily.The financial system of each country of this tier has its own distinguished advances comparing with other countries,however,to the whole financial system there is still some way to the first tier.There are no any developed countries that could be found in the third tier.Instead,the third tier almost composes of the emerging countries.The inadequate development of the financial system of the third tier leads to inefficiency and cumbers the economic development.And each country of the tier has its own obvious shortcoming in the financial system.The internal differentiation of this tier is notable.The financial system of the fourth tier is underdeveloped,which consists of unsound institutional environment,small-size and inefficient banking system,undeveloped financial market and a narrow range of financial instruments.Therefore,it is rather difficult for the individuals and enterprises to obtain the supports from financial system.The industry development and consumption expansion are limited by the poor financial system in the fourth tier.Furthermore,the mechanism of the geographic tiers of the world financial system is discussed.The financial system is a complicated system,and is a sub-system of the whole socio-economic system.Generally speaking,the synergy of humane geographic environment and the nature of financial system induce the differentiation of financial system on the geographic distribution.At first,the different development levels of different countries lead to the different demand for finance.Furthermore,in this article the geographic boundary or the border between countries also divides the world financial system.Finally,the heterogeneity of the financial market information on space and time causes the geographic differentiation of financial system objectively.The process and the path of financial globalization are deeply influenced by geographic tiers of world financial system.The pattern of present international financial system is also shaped by the geographic tiers of world financial system.

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FU Xue-ying, CHEN Cai, LIU Ji-sheng, MEI Lin . The Geographic Tiers of World Financial System[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2011 , 31(12) : 1447 -1453 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.012.1447


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