Changes of water resources in China are the key scientific problem in terms of sustainable development of agriculture and social security.Based on long-term hydro-meteorological dataset,i.e.daily precipitation data from 590 rainfall gauging stations and monthly streamflow from 383 hydrological stations covering 1956~2000 over China,water resources in China are thoroughly evaluated.Impacts of human activities,the agricultural irrigation in this study,on water resources are also analyzed.Besides,the data concerning the flood-and drought-affected and the flood-and drought-destroyed agricultural fields are also collected and analyzed with Mann-kendall and Kriging interpolationaim to discuss the implications of precipitation changes and streamflow variations on agriculture in China.This study produced important and novel conclusions: ① decreasing precipitation is found in north China,particularly in the Shandong and the middle Yellow River.The south China is dominated by increasing precipitation.In addition,decreasing precipitation is prevailing in spring and autumn which may easily cause droughts in spring and autumn.The winter is characterized by increasing precipitation.② Decreasing surface streamflow is the result of decreasing precipitation.The agricultural irrigation further intensifies the decreasing magnitude of streamflow in north China.This result further corroborates the tremendous human influences on water resources in north China.③ Uneven distribution of precipitation leads to uneven spatial patterns of water resources over China.Agricultural activities in China are mostly under the risk of drought and flood hazards.Drought hazards may play the dominant role in the loss of agricultural production.④ the irrigation facilities are urgently calling for great concerns.Besides,water-saving agriculture is also the major effective way to mitigate water shortage due to climate changes and intensifying human interference with water resource system of China.
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