Spatial Organization of Production Networks in City-Region Based on Enterprises Relationship: A Case of Apparel Production in Urban Agglomeration of Eastern Guangdong Province

  • Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China

Received date: 2010-11-23

  Revised date: 2011-05-21

  Online published: 1997-10-20


Spatial relationship of geographical actors is one of the core topics of geography. In urban geography, the internal industrial relationship between cities or towns, the same as spatial relationship, is also a significant part of the urban agglomeration study. A great many geographers engage themselves in studying the internal socio-economic relationship between cities by using macro-statistics. However, enterprise is the principle part of the relationship, lacking micro-perspective when studying is hard to explain the intricate relations between different cities. Recently, some of the geographers have efficiently used network analysis method to explain cluster network, transportation network, logistics network, and industrial network. Network analysis method, which is widely used in the subject of sociology, is good for researching on the perplex relations between objectives. By this method, it is possible to visualize and quantitatively analyze the spatial structure of urban agglomeration production network. This article takes urban agglomeration of the eastern Guangdong as a case study, which is a relative small area but with strong internal socio-economic relationships. For the reason of significant impact of the industry and obvious feature of network organization, this article specifically focuses on the study of apparel production industry in the urban agglomeration of eastern Guangdong Province. Based on the first hand data from depth interviews of 115 enterprises in 15 cities (towns), this article builds up the enterprise relational database, visually simulates the spatial structure of apparel production network in internal urban agglomeration with the software of social network analysis, and analyzes the intrinsic links between the spatial structure of urban agglomeration and production networks. The conclusions are as follows. Firstly, among the one-circle and two-zone spatial structure of the urban agglomeration in eastern Guangdong Province, there are close economic links within the metropolitan area of Shantou, Chaozhou and Jieyang, while few industrial links in two towns zones. Furthermore, the apparel production of Shanwei is isolated from the metropolitan area. Secondly, all level towns play different roles in the apparel production networks of the urban agglomeration in eastern Guangdong. There are two factors to promote the formation of the production networks, one is the urban specialization, the other is the diversification of the region. Thirdly, in the future, the urban agglomeration in eastern Guangdong should improve the agglomerative economies effect of urban agglomeration by taking steps to develop the characteristic function and enhancing industrial links between the towns.

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MA Hai-Tao, FANG Chuang-Lin . Spatial Organization of Production Networks in City-Region Based on Enterprises Relationship: A Case of Apparel Production in Urban Agglomeration of Eastern Guangdong Province[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2011 , 31(10) : 1172 -1180 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.010.1172


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