Spatial Relationships Among Tourism Destinations Based on Bionics Theory:A Case Study of Xidi and Hongcun villages in Anhui Province

  • 1. Centre for Tourism Planning & Research, SUN Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510275, China;
    2. The School of Environment and Energy, Peking University, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China

Received date: 2010-09-09

  Revised date: 2011-08-25

  Online published: 1997-12-20


In recent years,the researches on the spatial relationship of tourism destinations were halted at three directions: competition,cooperation,and cooperation-competition.However,under the influence of economic,social,and cultural factors,the spatial relationships of tourism destinations always show other different forms.The former relationship classification is so simple that it cannot deal with the complex situations.With a literature review on the domestic and abroad studies,the author found that lots of scholars began to try to explain the relationship in ecological ways.The spatial relationships between two or more destinations are described as competition,predation,symbiosis,and parasitism."Niche",as ecological terminology,has been introduced into tourism study.The purpose of this study is to apply the bionics theory to the tourism destination and to explore new methodology for the spatial relationships of destinations qualitatively and quantitatively.Thus,this paper is composed by three parts: 1) the establishment of the spatial relationship models based on ecological interpretation;2) the construction of a bionics study approach of spatial relationship among tourism destinations;and 3) the application of the new approach to Xidi and Hongcun villages as a case study.After fieldwork,data collection are analyzed,and it is found that the tourism niche of Hongcun Village is bigger than that of Xidi Village,which means the competitiveness of Hongcun is stronger than that of Xidi because of its bionics landscape,business promotion and location advantage.Xidi and Hongcun reached a stable state of competitive spatial relationship in 2006-2007,and they will keep this relationship in future.This study proves that tourism destinations’ bionics relationship approach is better than the traditional ones.It makes a more detailed and comprehensive classification of spatial relationships,which can be applied not only to the large-scale tourism destination,but also to the small-scale scenic spots.When using it,we should pay attention to the choice of niche dimensions and the calculation of tourism niche,which must be based on the reality of cases.More kinds of tourism niche calculation and deeper exploration of the connotation of tourism niche and this new approach are planned to be studied.Through putting both qualitative and quantitative research methods into the bionics relationship,this new approach will be proved to be more useful for the analysis of tourism planning and destination management.

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XU Hong-gang, XUE Dan . Spatial Relationships Among Tourism Destinations Based on Bionics Theory:A Case Study of Xidi and Hongcun villages in Anhui Province[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2011 , 31(12) : 1518 -1524 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.012.1518


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