Genesis Explanation of Regional Spatial Structure Model: Theoretical Status of Dual-nuclei Structure Model

  • School of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210046, China

Received date: 2010-11-24

  Revised date: 2011-05-23

  Online published: 1997-09-20


From the angle of genology, it is confirmed that the model of regional spatial structure is composed of location theory, dual-nuclei theory and harbor theory which are put forward respectively based on the endogenetic regional development background, transitionary regional development background and exogenous regional development background. Particularly, the three spatial structure theories are put forward on the common assumption that the topography in a region is homogeneous plain, which is also a necessary condition of all regional spatial structure models, but the sufficient condition is different for different models. Because of the different regional development process, different spatial structure patterns are formed and the corresponding regional spatial structure models are put forward. Location theory was abstracted based on the endogenetic regional development process and was drived by endogenesis force. The typical regional cases in Germany in Europe are elected to prove the authentic of the model which brought out a shape of perfect hexagon spatial structure system. Harbor theory was abstracted based on exogenous regional development process in America and its colonies in Africa, which is drived by exogenous force. And the dual-nuclei theory was abstracted based on the transitionary regional development process in China which was drived by balanced endogenesis and exogenous forces. The dual-nuclei is composed of regional central place and the harbor city, such as Jinan-Qingdao, Beijing-Tianjin,Hefei-Wuhu and Chengdu-Chongqing and so on. From the angle of genology, the basic theoretical framework system of spatial structure models is constituted by the three theoretical models. And the theoretical status of dual-nuclei structure model is scientifically established in academic circles. The scholars in America had great style of preciseness, during the process of probing the central place system in America, who found that the perfect hexagon spatial structure system model disagreed with the fact of regional spatial structure in America, and the harbor spatial structure model in North America was abstracted based on the reality of regional development process. Accordingly, during the studying on the regional spatial structure system in China, not only the whole regional characteristics should be analyzed, but also the characteristics in every individual region should be analyzed deeply and comprehensively.

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LU Yu-Qi, DONG Ping . Genesis Explanation of Regional Spatial Structure Model: Theoretical Status of Dual-nuclei Structure Model[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2011 , 31(9) : 1035 -1042 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.09.1035


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