Region is the core of geography, to research regional relationship is the task which geography theory and practice have to confront all along. In the history of Chinese socioeconomic development, regional problem is always the major one. And regional economic geography has been studying the practice in the area. How to coordinate and handle the regional relationship is a difficult task for a long time. A complicated giant areal system, including natural giant areal system, economic giant areal system and human giant areal system, has taken shape in the world. Each giant system also has a number of different subsystems. The three giant areal systems interact mutually, and then form a complicated regional relationship. This article takes the basic theories of regional economic geography as its guidance, coordination and regulation of economic areal system as the theme and target. Then it discourses the areal system, regional relationship and some major regional problems in China. First of all, the article proposes regional characteristics of Chinese regional system, the characteristics include the followings: three major geomorphologic units are the natural basis, three economic zones reflect the main regional relation, the rapid development of urban system reflects the new characteristics of regional relations, a unique system of administrative division plays the new role, and the regional basis for the development of relations has its particularity. After that, the article promotes the regional relationship to be harmonious, and a series of interrelated countermeasure have been proposed. It including several aspects, for example, urbanization path, regional land relationship, environment construction, organization and mechanism coordination. At last, aiming to construct the scientific and rational regional relationship, the article suggests holding on some channels as follows, improving the surrounding environment as the guarantee, coordinating the relationship among three giant zones as the foundation, coordinating the concern between urban and rural area as the key point, and clearing the land relationship as the core. In the future, the middle and the east of China are the key area in the adjustment plan. Last but above all, new ideas must be put forward, bring about new institution, and strive as much as possible to facilitate the regional harmonious relationship.
CHEN Cai, HUANG Xin, CHEN Chun-lin
. The Coordination and Regulation of Areal System in China[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2010
, 30(3)
: 321
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2010.03.321
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