This paper constructs an evaluation model on the base of other studies, divides the residential region into six parts according to natural factors, road, historic variation etc., then evaluates the location dominance of residential districts in Wuhu City. Moreover, it analyzes spatial distribution of prices, people’satisfaction with location and people’preference to residential location, then discusses the effect of residential location dominance to the spatial distribution of prices, people’satisaction with location and people’preference. Four conclusions are as followed: Firstly, the center area of Wuhu City is still with the highest dominance. The north area of Jinghu is inferior to it. Sanshan area is with the weakest dominance.Secongly,the most expensive houses are in the center area of the city. The residents prices in Sanshan area and the east area are the lowest.Thirdly, people locating in the center of the city have the highest level of satisfaction with location, while levels of people locating in Sanshan and east area of the city are inferiorest.Moreover,people's ideal location of house are still in the center area of city. Generally, the center area of the city,the north area of Jinghu have been mature residential group,and the residential group of east of the city and Sanshan area are in their infancy. Moreover,the dominance of residential location is consistent with spatial differentiation of house price,satisfation of residence location,ideal residence location.
JIAO Hua-fu, LU Zhen-ting
. Study on the Residential Location of Wuhu City[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2010
, 30(3)
: 336
DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2010.03.336
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