Urban Space Production: Urbanization of Wujiaochang Area in Jiangwan Town of Shanghai in 1900-1949

  • Institute of Chinese Historical Geography, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China

Received date: 2010-11-24

  Revised date: 2011-05-23

  Online published: 1997-10-20


The evolution of landscape in urban area is able to show the disturbing process of the impact of mankind's activities on the succession of natural ecosystem. Due to the discrepancy in intensity, frequency and manner of mankind's activities, there were different looks in the changing from semi-natural agroecological landscape into urban ecological landscape where artificial structures dominated in. The study is to recover the spatio-temporal course of the landscape changes in Wujiaochang area in Jiangwan Town of Shanghai from 1900 to 1949 by using the GIS which based on the data collected from historical archives and old maps. The research has discovered that the evolutional transformation from rural landscape to urban landscape had created fragmentation of landscape and declination of ecological accessibility in the study area. This process laid out the multiple urban spatial structure of Shanghai City under the semi-colonial political pattern and the spatial typical structure in the opening ports of modern China. Urbanization in Wujiaochang area in Jiangwan Town was started by the Chinese local capitalists who grew up in Shanghai during the World War I, because the colonial capital was drawn back to their European motherland. However, in this area, large scale construction was brought up by National Government since 1929, as the area was chosen as the core of Shanghai Special Administrative City. This was included in the Metropolitan Shanghai Plan which was stirred up by the rising of nationalism in China. So the aim of the construction was to antagonize the settlement government. However, the urbanization of Wujiaochang area in Jiangwan Town was altered by the breaking out of war against Japan. During war time, the city center in the Plan was abandoned gradually, while in the southwestern part of the area, some Japanese military installations and residential quarter began to build up. In a word, base on the study of urbanization in Jiangwan area, it is found out that, in modern China, the production of urban space was deeply dependent of the modern transportation system after blending into the global trade system and under the influence of unique historical events. The change presents the characteristics of dualistic spatial structure in modern China: the urban politics based on nationalities had played an important role in the urbanization and production of urban space in this area.

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ZHANG Xiao-Hong, SUN Tao . Urban Space Production: Urbanization of Wujiaochang Area in Jiangwan Town of Shanghai in 1900-1949[J]. SCIENTIA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA, 2011 , 31(10) : 1181 -1188 . DOI: 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2011.010.1181


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